Call Number (LC) Title Results
KEB44 1877 The consolidated statutes of British Columbia : consisting of the acts, ordinances & proclamations of the formerly separate colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia, of the united colony of British Columbia, and of the province since the union with Canada, with table of acts and alphabetical index / 1
KEB44 1888 The statutes of British Columbia : up to and including the year 1888 / 1
KEB104 .A23 The British Columbia reports. 1
KEB165 .L66 1994 Making law, order, and authority in British Columbia, 1821-1871 / 1
KEB165 .M66 2010 The British Columbia Court of Appeal : the first one hundred years, 1910-2010 /
The British Columbia Court of Appeal : the first hundred years, 1910-2010 /
KEB194 .C52 2007eb Domestic reforms : political visions and family regulation in British Columbia, 1862-1940 / 1
KEB194 .C53 2007 Domestic reforms : political visions and family regulation in British Columbia, 1862-1940 / 1
KEB196 .C53 1988i Common law marriages in British Columbia 1
KEB196 .C53 1996i Common-law marriage in British Columbia 1
KEB196 .S93 1977i British Columbia common law marriages 1
KEB248 .B75i British Columbia - estate administration 1
KEB314 .D68 1913i A manual of British Columbia company law being a practical handbook for the legal profession, directors, secretaries and shareholders on formation, management and winding up of companies / 1
KEB349.A47 M36 Reports of mining cases decided by the courts of British Columbia and the courts of appeal therefrom to the 1st of October, 1902 ; with an appendix of mining statutes from 1853-1902; and a glossary of mining terms / 1
KEB399 .W44 Reconcilable differences : new directions in Canadian labour law / 1
KEB413 .A3 1954 Workmen's Compensation Act : (R.S.B.C. 1948, Chapter 370 ; 1952, Chapter 15 ; 1954, Chapter 54) 1
KEB458 .C54 2014 Equality deferred : sex discrimination and British Columbia's human rights state, 1953-84 / 2
KEB458 .M39 2009 Colonial proximities : crossracial encounters and juridical truths in British Columbia, 1871-1921 / 1
KEB487 .A66 1979 Proceedings of the Administrative Law Conference held at the University of British Columbia Faculty of Law on 18-19 October 1979. 1
KEB529 .M35 1996 Treaty talks in British Columbia : negotiating a mutually beneficial future / 1
KEB529 .M35 2000 Treaty talks in British Columbia : negotiating a mutually beneficial future / 1