Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF1297.T63 R93 1998 Smoked : the inside story of the Minnesota tobacco trial / 1
KF1297.T63 T63 2006  
KF1297.T63 V27 1992 Cipollone v. Liggett Group, Inc. : U.S. Supreme Court opens the door to tobacco lawsuits / 1
KF1297.T63 V57 2002 Smoke-filled rooms : a postmortem on the tobacco deal / 1
KF1297.V32 A27 2022i AHLA Vaccine, Vaccination, and Immunization Law (Non-Members) / 1
KF1298.A1 G35 1986 Environmental damage liability management : a bibliography of articles / 1
KF1298.A7 B67 1994 Law of environmental and toxic torts : cases, materials and problems / 1
KF1298.A75 E486 1994 Environmental liability in commercial property transactions : risks and responsibilities / 1
KF1298.A75 E5 1989 Environmental risk in real estate transactions : the innocent landowner defense : from papers presented at Airlie House, Warrenton, Virginia, May 1989, with August 1989 revisions / 1
KF1298.A75 F38 2000 Stopping the speeding locomotive : perspectives on toxic tort and environmental litigation / 1
KF1298.A75 N37 1995 Natural resource damages : a legal, economic, and policy analysis / 1
KF1298.A75 T6 1997 Toxic & Hazardous Substances and Environmental Law Committee Meeting. 1
KF1298.A75 V35 1993 Valuing natural assets : the economics of natural resource damage assessment / 2
KF1298 .A83 The superfund concept : report of the Interagency Task Force on Compensation and Liability for Releases of Hazardous Substances. 1
KF1298 .B37 2013 Environmental liabilities in real estate transactions / 1
KF1298 .C55 2008 Climate change : litigation, regulation and risk. 1
KF1298 .E34 1999 Barely standing : the erosion of citizen 'standing' to sue to enforce federal environmental law / 1
KF1298 .E577 2021 Environmental aspects of real estate and commercial transactions : acquisition, development, and liability management / 1
KF1298 .E58 1989 Environmental due diligence : the complete resource guide for real estate lenders, buyers, sellers, and attorneys / 1
KF1298 .E585 2011 Environmental issues in business transactions / 1