Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF1345 .A753 Restatement of the law, second : agency : tentative drafts / 1
KF1345 .A754 Restatement of the law, second : agency : council drafts. 1
KF1345 .A755 Restatement of the law, second: agency 2d / 1
KF1345 .A7551 Restatement of the law second, agency 2d with reporter's notes / 1
KF1345 .A7553 Restatement of the law, agency : tentative draft / 1
KF1345 .A75532 Restatement of the law, agency : preliminary draft / 1
KF1345 .A75533 Restatement of the law, agency : as adopted and promulgated by the American Law Institute at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 17, 2005. 1
KF1345 .A764 2006 Restatement of the law, agency as adopted and promulgated by the American Law Institute at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 17, 2005. 1
KF1345 .A77 The law of agency / 1
KF1345 .C368 1896i Cases on the law of agency 1
KF1345 .C43 A treatise on the law of agency, including special classes of agents, attorneys, brokers and factors, auctioneers, masters of vessels, etc., etc., 1
KF1345 .C43i A treatise on the law of agency including special classes of agents, attorneys, brokers and factors, auctioneers, masters of vessels, etc., etc. / 1
KF1345 .C53 1905i A treatise on the law of agency including special classes of agents, attorneys, brokers and factors, auctioneers, masters of vessels, etc., etc. / 1
KF1345 .C66 1957i Cases and materials on the law of business organization agency, employment, partnership, joint enterprises and ventures / 1
KF1345 .E9 A treatise upon the law of principal and agent in contract and tort. 1
KF1345 .E9 1888 A treatise upon the law of principal and agent in contract and tort / 1
KF1345 .F47 1954 Principles of agency / 1
KF1345 .F7 Agency 1
KF1345 .G63 1914i Cases on principal and agent selected from decisions of English and American courts / 1
KF1345 .H8 1901 The law of agency : including the law of principal and agent and the law of master and servant / 1