Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF1375 .R69 1916i The modern law of partnership including a full consideration of joint adventures, limited partnerships, and joint stock companies, together with a treatment of the Uniform Partnership Act / 1
KF1375 .R69 1960i Rowley on partnership including a full consideration of joint adventures, limited partnerships, bankruptcy, and all matters collateral to the law of partnership. 1
KF1375 .S48 1901i A treatise on the law of partnership 1
KF1375 .S48 1905 A treatise on the law of partnership / 1
KF1375 .S58 1901i A treatise on the law of partnership 1
KF1375 .S58 1905i A treatise on the law of partnership 1
KF1375 .S65 2021i A short & happy guide to agency and partnership 1
KF1375 .S76 1841i Commentaries on the law of partnership, as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence, with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law
Commentaries on the law of partnership as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence : with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law /
KF1375 .S76 1846i Commentaries on the law of partnership, as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law /
Commentaries on the law of partnership, as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence, with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law
KF1375 .S76 1850 Commentaries on the law of partnership, as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence ; with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law / 1
KF1375 .S76 1850i Commentaries on the law of partnership as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence : with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law /
Commentaries on the law of partnership, as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law /
KF1375 .S76 1855 Commentaries on the law of partnership ; as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence, with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law / 1
KF1375 .S76 1855i Commentaries on the law of partnership as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence : with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law /
Commentaries on the law of partnership, as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence, with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law
KF1375 .S76 1859i Commentaries on the law of partnership as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence : with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law / 1
KF1375 .S76 1868i Commentaries on the law of partnership as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence : with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law /
Commentaries on the law of partnership, as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence, with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law
KF1375 .S76 1881 Commentaries on the law of partnership as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law, 1
KF1375 .S76 1881i Commentaries on the law of partnership as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence : with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law /
Commentaries on the law of partnership as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence, with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law
KF1375 .S77 Structuring and drafting partnership agreements : including LLC agreements / 1
KF1375 .W5 1971 Willis on partnership taxation / 1
KF1375.Z9 C37 1970 Cases and materials on partnership planning : introductory pamphlet / 1