Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF1415 .C6 Corporations : as created and regulated by the statutes and constitutions of the various states and territories, also of the federal government, and of England, Canada, France, and Germany / 1
KF1415 .S57 1999 Laws of the United States : corporations / 1
KF1416 Progressive corporate law / 1
KF1416 .A53 1931i Limitations of the corporate entity a treatise of the law relating to the overriding of the corporate fiction / 1
KF1416 .B35 2002 Corporation law and economics / 1
KF1416 .B35 2009 Corporate law / 1
KF1416 .B35 2015 Corporate law / 1
KF1416 .B35 2015i Corporate law 1
KF1416 .B35 2020 Corporate law / 1
KF1416 .B35 2020i Corporate law 1
KF1416 .B87 2009 Business valuation fundamentals : applications and models. 1
KF1416 .C65 2014 The First Amendment and the business corporation /
The First Amendment and the business corporation
KF1416 .C65 2015  
KF1416 .C67 Corporate "news" dissemination / 1
KF1416 .C67 2006 Corruption and reform : lessons from America's economic history / 1
KF1416 .C68i Corporate counsel's guide to business ethics policies 1
KF1416 .D63 American business corporations until 1860, with special reference to Massachusetts. 1
KF1416 .E27 1991 The economic structure of corporate law / 1
KF1416 .E36 Economics of corporation law and securities regulation / 1
KF1416 .E84 2022 ESG in the boardroom : a guidebook for directors / 1