Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF156 .C43 1909i A concise legal dictionary adapted for the use of law students and all persons studying the fundamentals of English and American law 1
KF156 .C57 2000 Random House Webster's dictionary of the law / 1
KF156 .C6 1919i The student's law lexicon a dictionary of legal words and phrases, with appendices giving the meaning of Latin and French maxims commonly found in law books, and explaining abbreviations and references to reports / 1
KF156 .C6 1924i Cochran's law lexicon pronouncing edition : a dictionary of legal words and phrases including Latin and French maxims translated, and abbreviations found in law books and reports /
The new pronouncing edition of the Students' law lexicon a dictionary of legal works and phrases, and two appendices /
KF156 .C6 1956 Cochran's law lexicon : pronouncing edition : a dictionary of legal words and phrases including Latin and French maxims translated, abbre-viations found in law books and reports and canons of professional ethics. 1
KF156 .C6 1956i Cochran's law lexicon pronouncing edition : a dictionary of legal words and phrases including Latin and French maxims translated, abbreviations found in law books and reports and canons of professional ethics. 1
KF156 .C6 1973 Cochran's Law lexicon, pronouncing edition : a dictionary of legal words and phrases with Latin and French maxims of the law translated and explained, abbreviations found in reports and law books, executive order concerning the flag of the United States, Code of professional responsibility. 1
KF156 .C6 1986 The law dictionary : pronouncing edition : a dictionary of legal words and phrases with Latin and French maxims of the law translated and explained. 1
KF156 .C6 1997 The law dictionary : pronouncing edition : a dictionary of legal words and phrases with Latin and French maxims of the law, translated and explained. 1
KF156 .C63 1888i The student's law lexicon a dictionary of legal words and phrases : with appendices explaining abbreviations and references to reports and giving the meaning of Latin and French maxims commonly found in law books / 1
KF156 .D6 Dictionnaire juridique et économique : français-anglais, anglais-français = Legal and economic dictionary : French-English, English-French / 1
KF156 .D74 2005 Advocacy words : a thesaurus / 1
KF156 .D74 2010 Advocacy words : a thesaurus / 1
KF156 .D74 2013 Advocacy words : a thesaurus / 1
KF156 .D745 2008 Lay words for lawyers / 1
KF156 .D745 2015 Lay words for lawyers / 1
KF156 .G367 1987 A dictionary of modern legal usage / 1
KF156 .G367 1995 A dictionary of modern legal usage / 3
KF156 .G367 2011 Garner's dictionary of legal usage / 1
KF156 .G46 1830i Every man's lawyer, or, Every man his own scribener and conveyancer containing all the most useful forms : laid down in so plain a manner, that every man can draw any instrument of writing, without the assistance of an attorney in a method entirely new / 1