Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF1570 .Z56 2004 Interstate economic relations / 1
KF1573 .T155 195- The laws and customs of the Tamil of Jaffna. 1
KF1575.A3281992 A15 1992i Jobs through Exports Act of 1992 P.L. 102-549, 106 STAT. 3651, October 28, 1992. 1
KF1575.A3282007 A15 2007i Legislative history Foreign Investment and National Securit Act of 2007 1
KF1575.A75 I58 International practitioners' workshop series / 1
KF1575 .A95 A guide to foreign investment under U. S. law. 1
KF1575 .C87 Current legal aspects of foreign investment in the United States / 1
KF1575 .F68 1980 Foreign investment in the United States, 1980 / 1
KF1575 .G46 1972 Legal environment for foreign direct investment in the United States / 1
KF1575 .K65 1989 Protection of foreign investments : a private law study of safeguarding devices in international crisis situations / 1
KF1575 .L43 1981 Legal environment for foreign direct investment in the United States / 1
KF1575 .M36 1984 Manual of foreign investment in the United States / 1
KF1575 .M36 1993 Manual of foreign investment in the United States / 1
KF1575 .M36 2004 Manual of foreign investment in the United States / 1
KF1575 .M36i Manual of foreign investment in the United States 1
KF1575 .U55 2008  
KF1575 .V36 1992 United States investment treaties : policy and practice / 1
KF1575 .V36 2017 The first bilateral investment treaties : U.S. postwar friendship, commerce, and navigation treaties / 1
KF1575 .V365 2009 U.S. international investment agreements / 1
KF1575 .V37 2017 The first bilateral investment treaties : U.S. postwar friendship, commerce, and navigation treaties /
The first bilateral investment treaties U.S. postwar friendship, commerce, and navigation treaties /