KF1688.B79 2003eb
Have You Got a License for that Tree? (And Can You Afford to Use It?) / |
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KF1689.W3 D49 1896i
Legislation against weeds |
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KF1691.A3281961 A15 1977i
To amend the Consolidated Farm & Rural Amendment Act 94th Congress, 1st session. |
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KF1691 .V64 2021
The farmer's lawyer : the North Dakota nine and the fight to save the family farm / |
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KF1692 .A25 1965
Summary and section-by-section analysis of H. R. 7097, including an executive communication from the President, April 5, 1965. |
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KF1692.A3281981 A15 1981i
Agriculture and Food Act of 1981 P.L. 97-98, 95 Stat. 1213, December 22, 1981. |
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KF1692.A3281983 A15 1983i
Payment-in-Kind Tax Treatment Act of 1983 P.L. 98-4, 97 Stat. 7, March 11, 1983. |
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KF1692.A3281991 A15 1991i
Food Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act Amendments of 1991 P.L. 102-237, 105 Stat. 1818, December 13, 1991. |
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KF1692.A83 U5 1990
Alternative agriculture : federal incentives and farmers' opinions : report to Congressional requesters / |
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KF1692 .H33x
Pressures and protests; the Kennedy farm program and the wheat referendum of 1963, a case study |
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KF1693.S8A2 U55 1971i
Sugar Act amendments of 1971 P.L. 92-138, 85 Stat. 379, October 14, 1971. |
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KF1693.S8 A25 1965
Data relating to the Sugar act amendments of 1965. |
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KF1701 .A3 1930i
Federal Farm Loan Act amendments, rules and regulations / |
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KF1701 .A3281968 A15 1976i
Federal Farm Loan Act with amendments and farm mortgage and farm credit acts. / |
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KF1701.A3281971 A15 1971i
Farm Credit Act of 1971 Public Law 92-181, 85 Stat. 583, December 10, 1971. |
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KF1701.A3281971 A15 1980i
Farm Credit Act Amendments of 1980 P.L. 96-592, 94 Stat. 3437, December 24, 1980. |
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KF1701.A3281971 A15 1985i
Farm Credit Act Amendments of 1985 P.L. 99-205, 99 Stat. 1678, December 23, 1985. |
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KF1701.A3281971 A15 1996i
Farm Credit System Reform Act of 1996 P.L. 104-105, 110 STAT. 162, February 10, 1996. |
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KF1701.A3281978 A15 1978i
Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 P.L. 95-334, 92 Stat. 420, August 4, 1978. |
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Emergency Agricultural Credit Adjustment Act of 1978, Amendments P.L. 96-220, 94 Stat. 129, March 30, 1980. |
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