KF1682.Z9 W47 2007
Steamboat CLE conference : 16th annual ag & rural law roundup ; 4th annual water law conference ; 4th annual environmental law conference ; natural resources & energy law conference. |
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KF1682.Z9 W47 2008
Steamboat CLE conference : 17th annual ag & rural law roundup ; 5th annual water law conference ; 5th annual environmental law conference ; 2nd annual natural resources & energy [law] conference. |
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KF1682.Z9 W47 2009
Steamboat CLE conference : 18th annual ag & rural law roundup ; 6th annual water law conference ; 6th annual environmental law conference; 3rd annual natural resources & energy conference. |
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KF1686 .D36 2018
The law of agricultural land preservation in the United States / |
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KF1686 .H9
Policies governing the ownership of return waters from irrigation / |
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KF1686 .S65 1980
Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act 1980 appraisal. |
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KF1686.Z9 H37 1974
Legal-economic aspects of waste law as it relates to farming / |
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KF1686.Z95 U55
A standard state soil conservation districts law. Prepared at the suggestion of representatives of a number of states. |
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KF1687 .A3 1898i
Recent laws against injurious insects in North America together with the laws relative to foul brood / |
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KF1687 .A362 1914
Rules and regulations under the Plant Quarantine Act : general, including nursery stock / |
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KF1687 .A4 1896i
Legal enactments for the restriction of plant diseases a compilation of the laws of the United States and Canada / |
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KF1688.B79 2003eb
Have You Got a License for that Tree? (And Can You Afford to Use It?) / |
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KF1689.W3 D49 1896i
Legislation against weeds |
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KF1691.A3281961 A15 1977i
To amend the Consolidated Farm & Rural Amendment Act 94th Congress, 1st session. |
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KF1691 .V64 2021
The farmer's lawyer : the North Dakota nine and the fight to save the family farm / |
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KF1692 .A25 1965
Summary and section-by-section analysis of H. R. 7097, including an executive communication from the President, April 5, 1965. |
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KF1692.A3281981 A15 1981i
Agriculture and Food Act of 1981 P.L. 97-98, 95 Stat. 1213, December 22, 1981. |
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KF1692.A3281983 A15 1983i
Payment-in-Kind Tax Treatment Act of 1983 P.L. 98-4, 97 Stat. 7, March 11, 1983. |
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KF1692.A3281991 A15 1991i
Food Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act Amendments of 1991 P.L. 102-237, 105 Stat. 1818, December 13, 1991. |
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KF1692.A83 U5 1990
Alternative agriculture : federal incentives and farmers' opinions : report to Congressional requesters / |
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