Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF1724.G7 A25 1966 H.R. 16918 and summary of the proposed changes in the U.S. grain standards act. 1
KF1730 .A955 2006 Animal agriculture and the environment : National Center for Manure & Animal Waste Management white papers / 1
KF1730 .K84 2012 The little book of cowboy law / 1
KF1730 .O6 Cowboy litigation; cattle and the income tax / 1
KF1730.4 .M58 2008i Concentrated animal feeding operations EPA needs more information and a clearly defined strategy to protect air and water quality : testimony before the Subcommittee on Environment and Hazardous Materials, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1
KF1750 .A25 1979 Compilation of the Forest and rangeland renewable resources act of 1974 / 1
KF1750 .A25 1979i Compilation of the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Act of 1974 1
KF1750 .A3 1939x The Principal laws relating to the establishment and administration of the national forests and to other forest service activities / 1
KF1750 .A3 1940i The principal laws relating to the establishment and administration of the national forests and to other Forest Service activities 1
KF1750 .A3 1983i The principal laws relating to Forest Service activities 1
KF1750 .A3 1993 The principal laws relating to Forest Service activities. 1
KF1750 .A3 2004 Compilation of selected laws concerning national forests and related matters : (as amended through the end of the first session of the 108th Congress, December 31, 2003) / 1
KF1750.A3 U55 1903 Compilation of public timber laws and regulations and decisions thereunder. 1
KF1750.A3281976 A15 1976i National Forest Management Act of 1976 P.L. 94-588, 90 Stat. 2949 : October 22, 1976. 1
KF1750.A3281976 A15 1978i National Forest Management Act of 1976 (timber sales collusive bidding practices prevention) P.L. 95-233, 92 Stat. 32, February 20, 1978. 1
KF1750 .A53 1902i Law for lumbermen a digest of decisions of courts of last resort on matters of interest to lumbermen : arranged by subjects : reprinted from the columns of the American lumberman, with the addition of marginal references and copious index / 2
KF1750 .D87 1996 Tree huggers : victory, defeat & renewal in the Northwest ancient forest campaign / 1
KF1750 .F35 Timber and forest products law. 1
KF1750 .I56 1999 Innovations in forestry : funding forest plans. 1
KF1750 .K558 1917i The development of forest law in America a historical presentation of the successive enactments, by the legislatures of the forty-eight states of the American union and by the federal Congress, directed to the conservation and administration of forest resources / 1