Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
KF220 .C68 no. 571 | Review of the evidence, findings, and sentence of the Naval Court Martial in the case of Commo. Thos. Ap Catesby Jones tried at the Washington Navy Yard, December, 1850, and January, 1851, on charges preferred by William A. Graham, Secretary of the Navy / | 1 |
KF220 .C68 no. 571a | Exceptions to the illegal organization, proceedings, findings and sentence, &c., of the naval court martialin the case of Commodore Thos. Ap C. Jones, July, 1851 | 1 |
KF220 .C68 no. 571b | Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, communicating the proceedings of a court-martial on Commodore Thomas Ap Catesby Jones and certain correspondence between the Secretary of the Navy and Commodore Jones. | 1 |
KF220 .C68 no. 572 | Defence of Richard W. Meade before the Court of Inquiry convened at Washington city, in pursuance of the act of Congress entitled "An act to amend an act entitled An act to promote the efficiency of the Navy, " approved January 16, 1857 : presented and read March 30, 1857. | 1 |
KF220 .C68 no. 573 |
A true and faithful account of the most material circumstances attending the mysterious disappearance of Samuel Field and Francis C. Jenkerson, (generally believed to have been murdered) together with an account of the discovery of the bodies, as detailed in the examination before Justices Aplin, Staples and Patten, of Joseph Antione, Johan Fransoeis Wohlfahrt, and Joanna Susan Wohlfahrt, who were suspected of the murder of these unfortunate boys. A true and faithful account of the most material circumstances attending the mysterious disappearance of Samuel Field and Francis C. Jenkerson, (generally believed to have been murdered) together with an account of the discovery of the bodies, as detailed in the examination before Justices Aplin, Staples, and Patten, of Joseph Antione, Johan Fransoeis Wohlfahrt, and Joanna Susan Wohlfahrt, who were suspected of the murder of these unfortunate boys. |
2 |
KF220 .C68 no. 573a | Examination of Joseph Antoine, Johan Fransoeis Wohlfahrt, and Joanna Susan Wohlfahrt suspected of the murder of Samuel Field and Francis C. Jenkerson, before Justices Aplin, Staples and Patten. | 1 |
KF220 .C68 no. 574 |
Report of the arguments of counsel, and of the opinion of the court, in the case of Commonwealth vs. Aves tried and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. Report of the arguments of counsel and of the opinion of the court in the case of Commonwealth vs. Aves tried and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. |
2 |
KF220 .C68 no. 575 |
Report in full of the trial of Bartlett, Simms & McGuire for the robbery of the Bowdoinham Bank : before the Supreme Judicial Court, at Bath, Me., at the April term, 1867 / Report in full of the trial of Bartlett, Simms & McGuire, for the robbery of the Bowdoinham Bank before the Supreme Judicial Court, at Bath, Me., at the April term, 1867 / |
2 |
KF220 .C68 no. 576 |
The Italian padrone case the United States of America against Antonio Giovanni Ancarola, trial, conviction and sentence. The Italian padrone case the United States of America against Antonio Giovanni Ancarola : trial, conviction, and sentence. |
2 |
KF220 .C68 no. 577 |
Trial of the Rev. Albert Barnes before the Synod of Philadelphia, in session at York, October 1835, on a charge of heresy, preferred against him by the Rev. Geo. Junkin : with all the pleadings and debate / Trial of the Rev. Albert Barnes, before the synod of Philadelphia, in session at York, October, 1835, on a charge of heresy, preferred against him by the Rev. Geo. Junkin with all the pleadings and debate / |
2 |
KF220 .C68 no. 578 | George W. Cole his first and second trial for the murder of L. Harris Hiscock. | 1 |
KF220 .C68 no. 579 |
The Confessions of a convict illustrations from life / The confessions of a convict |
3 |
KF220 .C68 no. 580 |
Death in the mail a narrative of the murder of a wealthy widow and the trial and conviction of the assassin, who was her physician, attorney, and friendly adviser / Death in the mail a narrative of a wealthy widow and the trial and conviction of the assassin, who was her physician, attorney and friendly advisor / Death in the mail a narrative of the murder of a wealthy widow and the trial and conviction of the assassin, who was her physician, attorney and friendly advisor / |
3 |
KF220 .C68 no. 581 | Buffalo's tragic mystery the famous Burdick case and its thrilling details : the greatest modern sensation / | 2 |
KF220 .C68 no. 582 | Crime and criminals | 1 |
KF220 .C68 no. 583 |
Report of the trial of Eunice Hall vs. Robert Grant, for slander tried before the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Essex, in New Jersey, and a special jury, in June term, 1821 / Report of the trial of Eunice Hall vs. Robert Grant for slander tried before the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Essex in New-Jersey, and a special jury, in June term, 1821 / |
2 |
KF220 .C68 no. 584 |
A sketch of the proceedings and trial of William Hardy, on an indictment for the murder of an infant, November 27, 1806, before the Supreme Judicial Court, holden at Boston, within and for the counties of Suffolk and Nantucket, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, on the second Tuesday of March, in the year of Our Lord 1807 A sketch of the proceedings and trial of William Hardy on an indictment for the murder of an infant, November 27, 1806, before the Supreme Judicial Court, holden at Boston,within and for the counties of Suffolk and Nantucket, in the commonwealth of Massachusetts, on the second Tuesday of March, in the year of Our Lord 1807 : reported from the minutes of one of the counsel for the defendant. |
2 |
KF220 .C68 no. 585 |
The several trials of the Reverend David Barclay before the Presbytery of New-Brunswick, with their judgment at Oxford, an appeal to the Synod of New York and New Jersey, with their judgment in the city of New York : remanded by the Synod, to the Presbytery of New Brunswick, with their judgment, at Hackettstown : and a vote of censure on Jacob Kerr, one of the complainants / The several trials of the Reverend David Barclay before the Presbytery of New-Brunswick, with their judgment at Oxford an appeal to the Synod of New York, and New Jersey, with their judgment in the city of New York : remanded by the Synod, to the Presbytery of New Brunswick, with their judgment, at Hackettstown : and a vote of censure on Jacob Kerr, one of the complainants / |
2 |
KF220 .C68 no. 586 |
Only full report of the trial of Rev. I. S. Kalloch, on charge of adultery Only full report of the trial of Rev. I.S. Kalloch on charge of adultery complete history of the affair, doings of the church, Kalloch's pulpit defence, arrest, arraignment, trial and result, with accurate portraits of Kalloch and the beautiful lady in black and the lecture room of the Lechmere. |
2 |
KF220 .C68 no. 587 | Love & arsenic the great Piqua murder : full report of the examination of James D. Mowrey, accessory to the murder of Arthur Ragan, of Piqua, before Hon. Joseph Pearson, Probate Judge / | 1 |