Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF2298 .C68 1979 The history of the Northern Pacific land grant, 1900-1952 / 1
KF2298 .C87 1881i The doctrine of presumed dedication of private property to public use in its application of railroads / 1
KF2298 .J46 1995 Railroads and clearcuts : legacy of Congress's 1864 Northern Pacific Railroad land grant / 1
KF2298 .M47 1982 Railroads and land grant policy ; a study in government intervention / 1
KF2298 .R66 1987 Railroad land grants, from canals to transcontinentals / 1
KF2300 .A553 Interstate Commerce Commission reports. decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission of the United States / 1
KF2300 .V36 1920i Railroad valuation by the Interstate Commerce Commission 1
KF2301.A3281976 A15 1976i Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 P.L. 94-210, 90 Stat. 31, February 5, 1976. 1
KF2301.A3281980 A15 1980i Staggers Rail Act of 1980 1
KF2301 .F74 1927i Federal regulation of railway securities under the Transportation Act of 1920 a thesis / 1
KF2301 .J6 1879 A treatise on the law of railroad and other corporate securities : including municipal aid bonds / 1
KF2301 .J6 1890 A treatise on the law of corporate bonds and mortgages / 1
KF2301 .J6 1890i A treatise on the law of corporate bonds and mortgages being the second edition of Railroad securities, revised / 1
KF2301 .J6 1907 A treatise on the law of corporate bonds and mortgages : being the 3rd edition of "Railroad securities," rev. / 1
KF2301 .J6 1907i A treatise on the law of corporate bonds and mortgages being the third edition of "Railroad securities," revised / 1
KF2301 .J6 1935 The law of bonds and bond securities / 1
KF2301 .J66 1879i A treatise on the law of railroad and other corporate securities including municipal aid bonds / 1
KF2301 .J66 1890i A treatise on the law of corporate bonds and mortgages being the second edition of "Railroad securities, " revised / 1
KF2301 .J66 1907i A treatise on the law of corporate bonds and mortgages being the third edition of "Railroad securities, " revised / 1
KF2301 .L63 1925i Regulation of security issues by the Interstate Commerce Commission 1