Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF2393 .A519i Street railway reports annotated (cited St. Ry. Rep.) : reporting the electric railway and street railway decisions of the federal and state courts in the United States. 1
KF2393 .A53 1896i Street railway law a digest of important decisions in all parts of the country, covering the more important class of cases which daily arise in the management of street railways, for managers and claim departments. 1
KF2393 .B35 1910i Duration of municipal street grants 1
KF2393 .B66 1892i A treatise on the law of street railways embracing surface, sub-surface, and elevated roads, whether operated by animal power, electricity, cable, or steam motor / 1
KF2393 .B66 1911i A treatise on the law of street railways embracing urban, suburban and interurban, surface, subsurface and elevated roads, whether operated by animal power, electricity, cable or steam motor / 1
KF2393 .N44 The law of street surface railroads ; as compiled from statutes and decisions in the various states and territories showing the manner of organizing corporations to construct and operate street surface railroads, the acquisition of their franchises and property, their regulation, etc., by statute and municipal ordinance, their rights and liabilities both as to other users of the streets and highways and as to passengers and employees / 1
KF2393 .N45 1911 The law of street railroads; a complete treatise on the law relating to the organization of street railroads, the acquisition of their franchises and property, their regulation by statute and ordinance, their operation and liability for injuries to the person and property of passengers, employees and travelers, and others on the public streets and highways, including also pleading and practice, 1
KF2393 .N45 1911i The law of street railroads a complete treatise on the law relating to the organization of street railroads, the acquisition of their franchises and property, their regulation by statute and ordinance, their operation and liability for injuries to the person and property of passengers, employees and travelers, and others on the public streets and highways, including also pleading and practice /
The law of street railroads a complete treatise on the law relating to the organization of street railroads, the acquisition of their franchises and property, their regulation by statute and ordinance, their operation and liability for injuries to the person and property of passengers, employees and travelers, and others on the public streets and highways : including also pleading and practice /
KF2393 .N452 1902i The law of street surface railroads as compiled from statutes and decisions in the various states and territories showing the manner of organizing corporations to construct and operate street surface railroads, the acquisition of their franchises and property, their regulation, etc., by statute and municipal ordinance, their rights and liabilities both as to other users of the streets and highways and as to passengers and employees / 1
KF2393 .W55 1921i Analysis of the electric railway problem report of the Federal Electric Railways Commission with summary and recommendations, supplemented by special studies of local transportation issues in the state of New Jersey and the city of Denver, with notes on recent developments in the electric railway field / 1
KF2393.Z95 B6 1892 A treatise on the law of street railways : embracing surface, subsurface and elevated roads, whether operated by animal power, electricity, cable or steam motor / 1
KF2393.Z95 B6 1892i A treatise on the law of street railways embracing surface, sub-surface and elevated roads, whether operated by animal power, electricity, cable or steam motor / 1
KF2393.Z95 B6 1911 A treatise on the law of street railways : embracing urban, suburban and interurban, surface, subsurface and elevated roads, whether operated by animal power, electricity, cable or steam motor / 1
KF2393.Z95 B6 1911i A treatise on the law of street railways embracing urban, suburban and interurban, surface, sub-surface and elevated roads, whether operated by animal power, electricity, cable or steam motor / 1
KF2398.A3281965 A15 1965i I.C.C. regulation of pipelines P.L. 89-95, 79 Stat. 285, July 27, 1965. 1
KF2398.A3281968 A15 1968i Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968 P.L. 90-481, 82 Stat. 720, August 12, 1968. 1
KF2398.A3281968 A15 1972i Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act amendments - 1972 P.L. 92-401, 86 Stat. 616, August 22, 1972. 1
KF2398.A3281984 A15 1984i FY85 authorization for Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968 and for Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act of 1979 P.L. 98-464, 98 Stat. 1821, October 11, 1984. 1
KF2398.A3281992 A15 1992i Pipeline Safety Act of 1992 legislative history : Public Law 102-508, 106 Stat. 3289, 102nd Congress S. 1583, October 24, 1992. 1
KF2398.A75 O4 1995 Oil and natural gas pipelines : wellhead to end user / 1