Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF2602.131936 .A15 1976i Negotiated Shipbuilding Contracting Act of 1976 P.L. 94-372, 90 Stat. 1042, July 31, 1976 / 1
KF2602.131946 .A15 1946i Merchant Ship Sales Act of 1946 P.L. 321 -- 79th Cong., Ch. 82 -- 2d Sess. 1
KF2602.131946 .A15 1950i Continuation of the authority of the Secretary of Commerce under the Merchant Ship Sales Act of 1946 P.L. 591 -- 81st Cong., Ch. 427 -- 2d Sess. 1
KF2602.131968 .A15 1968i Cargo container vessels 1968 amendment to the Merchant Marine Act of 1936 P.L. 90-268, 82 Stat. 49, March 16, 1968. 1
KF2602.131970 .A15 1970i Merchant Marine Act of 1970 P.L. 91-469, 84 Stat. 1018, October 21, 1970. 1
KF2602.131984 .A15 1984i Shipping Act of 1984 P.L. 98-237, 98 Stat. 67, March 20, 1984. 1
KF2605 .B47 U.S. maritime policy : history and prospects / 2
KF2605 .R36 1919i A brief in advocacy of an improved legal regime for the American merchant marine 1
KF2606.A3281983 A15 1985i Shipping enactment as subtitle II of Title 46 P.L. 98-89, 97 Stat. 500, August 26, 1983. 1
KF2606 .A553 Decisions of the Federal Maritime Commission.
Decisions of the United States Maritime Commission, Federal Maritime Board, and Maritime Administration, Department of Commerce.
Decisions of the Federal Maritime Board, and Maritime Administration, Department of Commerce.
Decisions of the United States Maritime Commission /
Decisions of the U.S. Maritime Commission, Federal Maritime Board, and Maritime Administration, Department of Commerce.
Decisions of the United States Shipping Board, Department of Commerce United States Shipping Board Bureau, and United States Maritime Commission /
KF2606 .A5535 Decisions of the Maritime Subsidy Board, Maritime Administration, Department of Commerce. 1
KF2639.A15 U54  
KF2645.A2 I58 Water carrier bulk commodity exemption; to repeal Inland waterways corporation act. Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Interstate and foreign commerce, House of Representatives, Eighty-seventh Congress, second session, on H.R. 5595 ... H.R. 9046 ... [and] H.R. 10542 .. 1
KF2645 .G53 1873i Letter of Charles Gibbons, esq., attorney for Thomas Doyle, Michael Uhler, Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, and others, to the President of the United States, preferring charges against the Secretary of the Treasury Philadelphia, Oct. 7, 1873. 1
KF2645 .K53 1932i Regulation of intercoastal commerce 1
KF2645.Z9 A45 Waterway user charges. 1
KF2654 .U4 The ocean freight forwarder, the exporter, and the law / 1
KF2661.A1 F57 2022i United States Post Office a legal research guide / 1
KF2661.A55 A5 Postal reform proposals. 1
KF2661.A56 U558 1924i Cost of handling mail matter letter from the Postmaster General in response to Senate resolution 269, agreed to December 2, 1924, transmitting report on cost ascertainment showing the cost of handling the several classes of mail matter and of conducting the special services for the fiscal year 1923, with appendix. 1