Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF2765 .C38 1994 Cyberspace and the law : your rights and duties in the on-line world / 2
KF2765 .C48 1999 The crisis in telecommunications carrier liability : historical regulatory flaws and recommended reform / 1
KF2765 .C64i Communications law and practice 1
KF2765 .C669 1980 Social objectives and competition in common carrier communications : incompatible or inseparable? / 1
KF2765 .C67 2002 Cost proxy models and telecommunications policy : a new empirical approach to regulation / 2
KF2765 .C67 2002eb Cost proxy models and telecommunications policy : a new empirical approach to regulation /
Cost proxy models and telecommunications policy a new empirical approach to regulation /
KF2765 .C728 2005 Competition and chaos : U.S. telecommunications since the 1996 Telecom Act / 1
KF2765 .C73 2013 Captive audience : the telecom industry and monopoly power in the new gilded age / 1
KF2765 .C73 2013eb Captive audience the telecom industry and monopoly power in the new gilded age /
Captive audience : the telecom industry and monopoly power in the new gilded age /
KF2765 .D5 1983 Telecommunications in crisis : the First Amendment, technology, and deregulation / 2
KF2765 .E93 1985 The deregulation of international telecommunications / 2
KF2765 .F44i Federal telecommunications law (CCH) 1
KF2765 .G65 2006 Telecommunications Act : competition, innovation, and reform / 1
KF2765 .G6568 2009i Recovery Act agencies are addressing broadband program challenges, but actions are needed to improve implementation : report to congressional committees / 1
KF2765 .G657 2009i Recovery Act preliminary observations on the implementation of broadband programs : testimony before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, U.S. Senate / 1
KF2765 .G74 1890i Government and the telegraph being the Johnson prize essay of the University of Alabama for the year 1886 / 1
KF2765 .H45 1997 Competitive telecommunications : how to thrive under the Telecommunications Act / 1
KF2765 .H55 2007 Telecommunications and empire / 1
KF2765 .H83 1997 Law and disorder in cyberspace : abolish the FCC and let common law rule the telecosm / 2
KF2765 .H95 1997 The new telecommunications industry : meeting the competition / 1