Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF2814 .A3 1978i Radio laws of the United States 1
KF2814 .A33 1913i Regulations governing radio communication 1
KF2814 .B458 2001 Freedom of the air and the public interest : First Amendment rights in broadcasting to 1935 / 2
KF2814 .B458 2001eb Freedom of the air and the public interest First Amendment rights in broadcasting to 1935 / 1
KF2814 .B46 2000 The beginning of broadcast regulation in the twentieth century / 3
KF2814 .D38 1927i The law of radio communication 1
KF2814 .D385 1929i Radio law 1
KF2814 .M67 1947 Radio and the law / 1
KF2814 .S27 1939i Network broadcasting 1
KF2814 .S63 1939i The law of radio broadcasting 1
KF2814 .S67 1940i More freedom of the air 1
KF2814 .T66 Legal problems in broadcasting : identification and analysis of selected issues / 1
KF2840.A1 L48 1986 Television deregulation / 1
KF2840.A3281960 A15 1960i Communications Act amendment clarifying regulatory authority P.L. 86-751, 74 Stat. 888, September 13, 1960. 1
KF2840 .A33 1952 The television code of the National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters : effective March 1, 1952. 1
KF2840.A75 L38 1983 Law and the television of the 80's / 1
KF2840 .C38 Revolution in the wasteland : value and diversity in television / 3
KF2840 .C38 1981i Revolution in the wasteland value and diversity in television / 1
KF2840 .C47 2018 The indecent screen : regulating television in the twenty-first century / 1
KF2840 .C48 2018eb The indecent screen : regulating television in the twenty-first century / 1