Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF2849.A88 S86 1887i The telephone appeals 113. Amos E. Dolbear et al., appellants, The American Bell Telephone Company U.S.C.C. Mass. : 667. The Molecular Telephone Co. et al., appellants, The American Bell Telephone Co. et al. U.S.C.C., S.D.N.Y. [668 cross appeal in same case.] : 1092. The Clay Commercial Telephone Co. et al., The American Bell Telephone Co. et al. U.S.C.C., E.D.Pa. : 1164. The People's Telephone Co. et al., appellants, The American Bell Telephone Co. et al. U.S.C.C., S.D.N.Y. [Drawbaugh case] : 1165. The Overland Telephone Co. et al., appellants, v. The American Bell Telephone Co. et al. U.S.C.C., S.D.N.Y. : brief for American Bell Telephone Co., appellees / 1
KF2849.C2 O65 1956i Opinion of counsel and memorandum concerning the applicability of the antitrust laws to the television broadcast activities of Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1
KF2849.C55 A82 1956 Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the United States Senate : opinion of counsel and memorandum concerning the applicability of the antitrust laws to the television broadcast activities of Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. / 1
KF2849.I57 G66 Public policy toward corporate growth : the ITT merger cases / Robert M. Goolrick ; with a foreword by John V. Tunney. 1
KF2849.W53 M55 2004eb Changing channels : the civil rights case that transformed television / 2
KF2900 .A3 1952i Occupational licensing legislation in the states 1
KF2900.A3698 I58 1996 International trade in professional services : assessing barriers and encouraging reform. 1
KF2900.A75 O23 Occupational licensure and regulation / 2
KF2900.A75 R43 Regulating the professions : a public-policy symposium / 1
KF2900 .D45 2007 Just culture : balancing safety and accountability / 1
KF2900 .M6 1984 Revocation of professional licenses by governmental agencies / 1
KF2900.Z95 R63 Occupational licensing : centralizing state licensure functions / 1
KF2901.A3281971 A15 1971i District of Columbia Professional Corporation Act P.L. 92-180, 85 Stat. 576, December 10, 1971. 1
KF2901 .B8 Blueprint for professional service corporations / 1
KF2901 .E27i Professional corporations & associations 1
KF2901 .L35 1982 The complete professional corporation desk book / 1
KF2901 .N49 1962i New professional corporation laws explained 1
KF2901 .R3 Incorporating the professional practice / 1
KF2901 .R3 1982 Incorporating the professional practice / 1
KF2901 .R5 Servicing the professional corporation : a complete manual and guide / 2