Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF285 .L373 96-06 Computerized adaptive testing simulations using real test taker responses / 1
KF285 .L373 96-07 The influence of speededness on item-parameter estimation / 1
KF285 .L373 97-01 A comparison testlet-based test designs for computerized adaptive testing / 1
KF285 .L373 97-02 Incorporating content constraints into a multi-stage adaptive testlet design / 1
KF285 .L373 97-03 Assessing subgroup differences in item response times / 1
KF285 .L373 97-04 Making use of response times in standardized tests : are accuracy and speed measuring the same thing? / 1
KF285 .L373 97-05 Understanding psychological processes that underlie test takers' choices of constructed response items / 1
KF285 .L373 97-06 Effects of multidimensionality on IRT item characteristics and true score estimates : implications for computerized test assembly / 1
KF285 .L373 97-07 A model for optimal constrained adaptive testing / 1
KF285 .L373 97-08 A review of the LSAT using literature on legal reasoning / 1
KF285 .L373 97-09 Representing response-time information in item banks / 1
KF285 .L373 97-10 Computer usage and access patterns of actual and potential LSAT takers / 1
KF285 .L373 97-11 CATSIB : a modified SIBTEST procedure to detect differential item functioning in computerized adaptive tests / 1
KF285 .L373 97-12 Fixed-weight methods of scoring computer-based adaptive tests / 1
KF285 .L373 97-13 Simultaneous assembly of multiple test forms / 1
KF285 .L373 97-14 The use of person-fit statistics in computerized adaptive testing / 1
KF285 .L373 97-15 Quality control of online calibration in computerized assessment / 1
KF285 .L373 98-01 Item theft in a continuous-testing environment : what is the extent of the danger? / 1
KF285 .L373 98-02 Estimation of item dimensional measurement direction using conditional covariance patterns / 1
KF285 .L373 98-03 Using response-time constraints in item selection to control for differential speededness in computerized adaptive testing / 1