Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF2979 .S74 1997 Managing, valuing, and protecting intellectual assets / 1
KF2979 .T95 2000 Who owns online courses and course materials? : intellectual property policies for a new learning environment / 1
KF2979 .U17 2006i US intellectual property law and policy 1
KF2979 .U54i 2004 Report of the Department of Justice's Task Force on Intellectual Property 1
KF2979 .U545 2001 Intellectual property : state immunity in infringement actions : report to the Honorable Orrin G. Hatch, Ranking Minority Member, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate / 1
KF2979 .U546 2007 Intellectual property : congressional intent for U.S. trade policy on WTO declaration on access to medicines may need clarification : report to the Chairmen, Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, U.S. Senate; and Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives / 1
KF2979 .U5464 2008 Intellectual property : federal enforcement has generally increased, but assessing performance could strengthen law enforcement efforts : report to the Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate. 1
KF2979 .U55 1995 Intellectual property and the National Information Infrastructure : the report of the Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights / 1
KF2979 .U8 2006 U.S. intellectual property law and policy / 1
KF2979 .V38 2020 The color of creatorship : intellectual property, race, and the making of Americans / 2
KF2979 .V87 1991i What corporate and general practitioners should know about intellectual property litigation 1
KF2979 .W35 2002 The nature of the intellectual property clause : a study in historical perspective / 1
KF2979 .W55 Wiley intellectual property law update. 1
KF2979 .Y34 2009i Intellectual property enhancements to coordinating U.S. enforcement efforts : testimony before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Organization, and Procurement, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives / 1
KF2979 .Y36 1992 Trade based approaches to the protection of intellectual property / 1
KF2979 .Z67 1999 Introduction to managing digital assets : options for cultural and educational organizations / 2
KF2980 Patents for power : intellectual property law and the diffusion of military technology /
Research handbook on human rights and intellectual property /
Intellectual property, entrepreneurship and social justice : from swords to ploughshares /
Rethinking intellectual property : balancing conflicts of interest in the constitutional paradigm /
Identification and motivation of high potentials to keep their intellectual property in the company.
KF2980 .A5 2001 Intellectual property : a guide for engineers : a project for the Committee on Issues Identification, American Society of Mechanical Engineers / 1
KF2980 .A53 1989 A practical guide to copyrights and trademarks / 1
KF2980 .A8 Protecting and profiting from your business ideas / 1