Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF299.I5 I52i Institute for Corporate Counsel [annual seminar] / 1
KF299.I5 I87 2014 Advice for the lawlorn : career do's and don'ts from one of the most successful legal recruiters in the industry / 1
KF299.I5 K78 2017 The corporate counsel survival guide / 1
KF299.I5 L48 Corporation lawyer: saint or sinner? : The new role of the lawyer in modern society. 1
KF299.I5 L48 1961 Corporation lawyer : saint or sinner? : the new role of the lawyer in modern society. 1
KF299.I5 L48 1961i Corporation lawyer saint or sinner? / 1
KF299.I5 N33 1996 No contest : corporate lawyers and the perversion of justice in America /
No contest : Corporate lawyers and the perversion of justice in America /
KF299.I5 O45 2019 White shoe : how a new breed of Wall Street lawyers changed big business and the American century / 1
KF299.I5 P37 2012 In-house : a lawyer's guide to getting a corporate legal position / 1
KF299.I5 S53 1995 Managing legal uncertainty : elite lawyers in the New Deal / 2
KF299.I5 S74 2015 Inside counsel : practices, strategies, and insights / 1
KF299.I5 S74 2015i Inside counsel practices, strategies, and insights / 1
KF299.I5 S74 2020i Inside counsel practices, strategies, and insights / 1
KF299.I5 S77 1998 Double billing : a young lawyer's tale of greed, sex, lies, and the pursuit of a swivel chair / 3
KF299.I6 C28 1977 Career opportunities in international law. 1
KF299.I6 C28 1984 Career preparation and opportunities in international law / 1
KF299.I6 C28 1993 Careers in international law / 1
KF299.I6 C28 2001 Careers in international law / 1
KF299.I6 C28 2008 Careers in international law / 1
KF299.I6 C28 2012 Careers in international law / 1