Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF3179 .G56 2007 Trademark and unfair competition law : cases and materials / 1
KF3179 .G56 2013 Trademark and unfair competition law : cases and materials / 1
KF3179 .P373 1987 Trademarks / 1
KF3179 .P373 1994 Trademarks and unfair competition / 1
KF3179 .P373 1998 Trademarks and unfair competition / 1
KF3179 .P373 2000 Trademarks and unfair competition / 1
KF3179 .P373 2002 Trademarks and unfair competition / 1
KF3179 .P373 2005 Trademarks and unfair competition / 1
KF3179 .P373 2008 Trademarks and unfair competition / 1
KF3179 .P385 1985 Unfair competition and unfair trade practices / 1
KF3180 .A2U5 1968 Trademark problems in acquisitions and mergers. 1
KF3180.A2 U53 2010 Understanding trademark and copyright developments for online content : leading lawyers on understanding new technology challenges, obtaining IP protection for clients, and litigating internet infringement. 1
KF3180.A2 U55 1960 Trademark selection ; the management team method. 1
KF3180 .A43 1948 Trade-mark law and practice / 1
KF3180 .A43f 1948 Trade-mark law and practice 1
KF3180 .A73 2000 Protection of nontraditional marks : trademark rights in sounds, scents, colors, motions and product designs in the U.S. / 1
KF3180 .B45 2017i Certification and collective marks law and practice / 1
KF3180 .B7 1873 A treatise on the law of trade-marks : and analogous subjects, (firm-names, business-signs, good-will, labels, &c.) / 1
KF3180 .B7 1873i A treatise on the law of trade-marks and analogous subjects (firm-names, business-signs, good-will, labels, &c.) / 1
KF3180 .B7 1885 A treatise on the law of trade-marks, and analogous subjects (firm-names, business-signs, good-will, labels, &c.) 1