KF318 .R64 2004
Law office policy & procedures manual / |
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KF318 .R64 2011
Law office policy & procedures manual / |
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KF318 .R64 2022
Law office policies, procedures, and operations manual / |
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KF318 .S38 2005
The complete guide to designing your law office / |
1 |
KF318 .S47 1996
The business of practicing law : the work lives of solo and small-firm attorneys / |
1 |
KF318 .S69 1997
Running a law practice on a shoestring / |
1 |
KF318 .S97 1994
Survival skills for practicing lawyers : best articles from Law practice management magazine / |
1 |
KF318 .T75 2012
Contemporary law office management / |
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KF318 .U63 2007
Update on associate attrition : findings from a national study of law firm associate hiring and departures - calendar year 2007. |
1 |
KF318 .V63 2000
Keeping good lawyers : best practices to create career satisfaction / |
1 |
KF318 .W34 1994
TQM in action : one firm's journey toward quality and excellence / |
1 |
KF318 .W45 1995
Managing people in today's law firm : the human resources approach to surviving change / |
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KF318.W45 1995eb
Managing People in Today's Law Firm : the Human Resources Approach to Surviving Change. |
1 |
KF318 .W478 2018
The law firm of the future : adapting to a changed legal marketplace / |
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KF318 .W56 2021
Trouble at the bar : an economics perspective on the legal profession and the case for fundamental reform / |
1 |
KF318 .W65 2013
Legal project management in one hour for lawyers / |
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KF318 .Y35 2012
The paperless law office : a practical guide to digitally powering your firm / |
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KF318 .Y44 2004
Principles of law office management : Robert B. Yegge. |
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KF318 .Z85 2006
Supervisory and leadership skills in the modern law practice : creating a learning organization / |
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KF318.Z9 A53 2014
How to manage a small law firm / |
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