Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF3300 .F3 1938i Chapters in the history of social legislation in the United States to 1860 1
KF3300 .L48 1971 Cases and materials on social welfare and the individual / 1
KF3300 .O46 1916i The danger of legislative overregulation an address delivered before the Typothetae of the City of New York, at the Salmagundi Club, May ninth, nineteen hundred sixteen / 1
KF3300 .P38 1905i Patriotic studies including extracts from bills, acts and documents of United States Congress, 1888-1905. 1
KF3300 .P65 2021 Politics, policy, and public options / 1
KF3300 .P65 2021i Politics, policy, and public options 1
KF3300 .P75 1988 Risks, concerns, and social legislation : forces that led to laws on health, safety, and the environment / 1
KF3300 .R33 2011 Reconsidering law and policy debates : a public health perspective / 1
KF3300 .R45 1950 Modern social legislation. 1
KF3300 .R46 1967 Selected materials on modern social legislation / 1
KF3300 .R52 1996 RIA's complete analysis of the Small Business, Health Insurance and Welfare Reform acts of 1996 : with code sections as amended and committee reports. 1
KF3300 .R53 1996 RIA's complete analysis of the Small Business, Health Insurance and Welfare Reform acts of 1996 : with code sections as amended and committee reports. 1
KF3300 .S86 1990 After the rights revolution : reconceiving the regulatory state / 2
KF3300 .S863 2004 The second bill of rights : FDR's unfinished revolution and why we need it more than ever / 1
KF3301 .Y33 1980i Labor legal history a selective bibliography / 1
KF3302 Daily labor report 1
KF3302 .E93 Executive file : hot employment issues. 1
KF3302 .L32 Labor law journal. 1
KF3302 .L33 Labor & employment law. 1
KF3302 .W34 Wage and hour reporter. 1