Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF3300 .O46 1916i The danger of legislative overregulation an address delivered before the Typothetae of the City of New York, at the Salmagundi Club, May ninth, nineteen hundred sixteen / 1
KF3300 .P38 1905i Patriotic studies including extracts from bills, acts and documents of United States Congress, 1888-1905. 1
KF3300 .P65 2021 Politics, policy, and public options / 1
KF3300 .P65 2021i Politics, policy, and public options 1
KF3300 .P75 1988 Risks, concerns, and social legislation : forces that led to laws on health, safety, and the environment / 1
KF3300 .R33 2011 Reconsidering law and policy debates : a public health perspective / 1
KF3300 .R45 1950 Modern social legislation. 1
KF3300 .R46 1967 Selected materials on modern social legislation / 1
KF3300 .R52 1996 RIA's complete analysis of the Small Business, Health Insurance and Welfare Reform acts of 1996 : with code sections as amended and committee reports. 1
KF3300 .R53 1996 RIA's complete analysis of the Small Business, Health Insurance and Welfare Reform acts of 1996 : with code sections as amended and committee reports. 1
KF3300 .S86 1990 After the rights revolution : reconceiving the regulatory state / 2
KF3300 .S863 2004 The second bill of rights : FDR's unfinished revolution and why we need it more than ever / 1
KF3301 .Y33 1980i Labor legal history a selective bibliography / 1
KF3302 Daily labor report 1
KF3302 .E93 Executive file : hot employment issues. 1
KF3302 .L32 Labor law journal. 1
KF3302 .L33 Labor & employment law. 1
KF3302 .W34 Wage and hour reporter. 1
KF3302 .W34i Wage and hour manual 1
KF3305.5 .U54 1994 Workplace regulation : information on selected employer and union experiences : report to Congressional requesters / 1