Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF3512.A3281974 A15 1980i ERISA of 1974, amendments legislative histories of P.L. 96-24, P.L. 96-239, P.L. 96-293 / 1
KF3512.A3281974 A15 1991i Rural Telephone Cooperative Associations ERISA Amendments Act of 1991 P.L. 102-89, 105 Stat. 446, August 14, 1991 / 1
KF3512.A3281974 A15 1994i Pension Annuitants Protection Act of 1994 Public Law 103-401, 108 Stat. 4172, October 22, 1994. 1
KF3512.A3281990 A15 1990i To amend Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to require qualifying employer securities to include interest in publicity traded partnerships P.L. 101-540, 104 Stat 2379, November 8, 1990 1
KF3512.A3281997 A15 1997i ERISA amendment - investment managers P.L. 105-72, 111 Stat. 1457, November 10, 1997. 1
KF3512.A329 P4 Pension & benefits law. 1
KF3512.A6 E757i ERISA practice & litigation
ERISA practice & litigation index
KF3512.A6 E7577i ERISA practice and procedure
ERISA practice & procedure index
ERISA practice & procedure
KF3512.A6 P39 Pension and profit sharing. Transfer binder for Pension & profit sharing : 1
KF3512.A6 P4 Pension and profit sharing 2nd. 1
KF3512.A6 P45 Pension and profit sharing forms. 1
KF3512.A75 B37i ALI CLE course of study - Basic law of pensions, welfare plans & deferred C 1
KF3512.A75 E88i ALI CLE course of study - Estate planning for distributions from qualified plans and IRAs 1
KF3512.A75 P46i ALI CLE course of study - Pension, profit-sharing 1
KF3512 .A825f Employee Retirement Income Security Act report to Congress. 1
KF3512 .A925i ABI's pension manual 1
KF3512 .A997 2023 Retirement guardrails : how proactive fiduciaries can improve plan outcomes / 2
KF3512 .B46 Benefits practitioners' strategy guide 1
KF3512 .B47 2006 ABI's pension manual 1
KF3512 .B75 1988 Pension claims : rights and obligations / 1