Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF354.C2 H57 1912i History of the bench and bar of California 1
KF354.C2 R63 1909i History of the bench and bar of southern California 1
KF354.C2 S58 1887i Bench and bar in California history, anecdotes, reminiscences / 1
KF354.C2 S58 1888i Bench and bar in California history, anecdotes, reminiscences / 1
KF354.C24 S45 1901 History of the bench and bar of California : being biographies of many remarkable men, a store of humorous and pathetic recollections, accounts of important legislation and extraordinary cases, comprehending the judicial history of the state / 1
KF354.C3 Servants of the law : judicial politics on the California frontier 1849-89 : an interpretive exploration of the Field-Terry controversy / 1
KF354.C3 B87 2011 Servants of the law : judicial politics on the California frontier 1849-89 : an interpretive exploration of the Field-Terry controversy / 1
KF354.C3 M67 2006 Morrison & Foerster LLP : the evolution of a law firm / 1
KF354.C3 W55 1990 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, lawyers : an early history / 1
KF354.C6 B46 1917i Bench & bar of Colorado 1
KF354.C6 B57 American blue book <Boswell>. Attorneys of Colorado ... 1
KF354.C6 L39 Bench and bar of Colorado / 1
KF354.C64 B46 Bench & bar of Colorado : nineteen hundred seventeen / 1
KF354.C8 J83 1895i The judicial and civil history of Connecticut 1
KF354.G4 M5 1958i The bench and bar of Georgia: memoirs and sketches with an appendix, containing a court roll from 1790 to 1857, etc. / 1
KF354.H3 C35 1992 Called from within : early women lawyers of Hawaiʻi / 2
KF354.I3 A76 1881i Reminiscences of the Illinois bar forty years ago Lincoln and Douglas as orators and lawyers / 1
KF354.I3 L56 1879i Reminiscences of the early bench and bar of Illinois 1
KF354.I45 B75 1977i Brief histories of some county bars and other legal organizations in Illinois and a brief history of the Illinois State Bar Association, 1877 to 1977 1
KF354.I53 L5 Reminiscences of the early bench and bar of Illinois / 1