KF3574.C65 A2 1969i
Legislative history of the Federal Construction Safety Act |
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KF3574.C65A321969 U55 1969i
Federal construction safety amendment to the Contract Work Hours Standards Act P.L. 91-54, 83 Stat. 96, August 9, 1969. |
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KF3574.C65 A7
The Architect, the engineer, and OSHA ; a conference held June 25-26, 1973 / |
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KF3574.C65 U52 1995
Construction industry digest. |
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KF3574.M5 A136
Mine safety & health reporter |
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KF3574.M5 A2 1978i
Legislative history of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 prepared for the Subcommittee on Labor of the Committee on Human Resources, United States Senate. |
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KF3574.M5 A3 2008
Federal Mine Safety & Health Review Commission : amended Mine Act, procedural rules, EAJA rules / |
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KF3574.M5A321966 U55 1966i
Federal Metal and Nonmetallic Mine Safety Act Public Law 89-577, 80 Stat. 772, September 16, 1966. |
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KF3574.M5A321969 U55 1969i
Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 P.L. 91-173, 83 Stat. 742, December 30, 1969. |
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KF3574.M5A321970 A15 1970i
Mining and Minerals Policy Act of 1970 P.L. 91-631, 84 Stat. 1876, December 31, 1970. |
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KF3574.M5A321977 U55 1977i
Federal Mine Safety and Health Amendments Act of 1977 P.L. 95-164, 91 Stat. 1290, November 9, 1977. |
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KF3574.M5 A49 1978
Decisions of the Interior Board of Mine Operations Appeals / |
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KF3574.M5 A4914
Decisions / |
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KF3574.M5 C87 1993
Dead laws for dead men : the politics of federal coal mine health and safety legislation / |
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KF3574.M5 H363 2020
Soul full of coal dust : a fight for breath and justice in Appalachia / |
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KF3574.M5 L56 1974
The hardrock miners : a history of the mining labor movement in the American West, 1863-1893 / |
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KF3574.M5 R64 1973
The Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation presents a special one-day institute on mine health and safety law, October 29, 1973. |
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KF3574.M5 R64f 1973
A Special one-day institute on mine health and safety law October 29, 1973 / |
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KF3574.M53 A2 1975i
Legislative history of the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 (Public Law 91-173) as amended through 1974 : including black lung amendments of 1972 : prepared for the Subcommittee on Labor of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, United States Senate. |
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KF3574.M53 A2 1981i
Mineral Leasing Laws, Amendments P.L. 97-94, 95 Stat. 1205, December 17, 1981. |
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