KF3605.A328201 T75 2020
The trillion dollar revolution : how the Affordable Care Act transformed politics, law, and health care in America / |
1 |
KF3605.A39 H43i
Health care fraud and abuse laws state Q&A |
1 |
KF3605.A4 H45 1985
Health policy : long-term care / |
1 |
KF3605 .A557
CMS rulings. |
1 |
KF3605.A6 H43
Health care program compliance guide |
1 |
KF3605.A6 M43
Medicare and medicaid law reporter. |
1 |
KF3605 .A76 1989
An Advocate's guide to Medicaid case management systems / |
1 |
KF3605 .B37 2013
A conspiracy against Obamacare : the Volokh conspiracy and the health care case / |
1 |
KF3605 .B45 2016
Obamacare wars : federalism, state politics, and the Affordable Care Act / |
1 |
KF3605 .B53 2013
Unprecedented : the constitutional challenge to Obamacare / |
2 |
KF3605 .B533 2016
Unraveled : Obamacare, religious liberty, and executive power / |
1 |
KF3605 .B533 2016eb
Unraveled : Obamacare, religious liberty, and exective power / |
1 |
KF3605 .B75 2015
America's bitter pill : money, politics, backroom deals, and the fight to fix our broken healthcare system / |
1 |
KF3605 .B83i
Health care fraud enforcement and compliance. |
1 |
KF3605 .C36 2013
50 Vetoes : How States Can Stop the Obama Health Care Law. |
1 |
KF3605 .C465i
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Program manuals |
1 |
KF3605 .C57i
CMS manuals (CCH) |
1 |
KF3605 .C575i
CMS Part C Part D compliance audits enforcement actions |
1 |
KF3605 .C63i
COBRA guide (CCH) |
1 |
KF3605 .C64 2021
The ten year war : Obamacare and the unfinished crusade for universal coverage / |
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