Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF3794.A3281974 A15 1986i Safe Drinking Water Act, appropriations authorization, extension P.L. 96-63, 93 Stat. 411, September 6, 1979.
Safe Drinking Water Amendments of 1977 P.L. 95-190, 91 Stat. 1393, November 16, 1977.
KF3794.A3281988 A15 1988i Lead Contamination Control Act of 1988 P.L. 100-572, 102 Stat. 2884, October 31, 1988 / 1
KF3794.A3281996 A15 1982i A legislative history of the Safe Drinking Water Act together with a section-by-section index / 1
KF3794.A3281996 A15 1996i Safe Drinking Water Act amendments of 1996 1
KF3794 .N38 1979i National secondary drinking water regulations 1
KF3794 .N38 1984i National secondary drinking water regulations 1
KF3794 .N742 2005 NSF international standard/American national standard for drinking water additives : drinking water system components : health effects / 1
KF3794 .P658 2003eb Drinking water regulation and health /
Drinking water regulation and health
KF3794 .R49 1952i Fluoridation of municipal water supply a review of the scientific and legal aspects / 1
KF3794 .S24 2018eb Revival: Safe Drinking Water Act (1989) / 1
KF3794 .S65 1987 Sole source aquifer designation : petitioner guidance. 1
KF3794 .U55 1999i Providing safe drinking water in America 1997 national public water systems compliance report and update on implementation of 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments. 1
KF3794.Z9 K44 1986 The Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1986 / 1
KF3794.Z9 R49 Fluoridation of municipal water supply : a review of the scientific and legal aspects / 1
KF3800.A3281970 A15 1970i Legislative history: Communicable Disease Control Amendments Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-464, 84 Stat. 988) 1
KF3800.A3281972 A15 1972i Legislative history: Communicable Disease Control Amendments Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-449, 86 Stat. 748) 1
KF3800 .F35 2020 Families First Act and CARES Act, selected provisions : law, explanation and analysis / 1
KF3800 .O74 2015 Infectious disease : policy, law, and regulation / 1
KF3800 .W58 2020 American contagions : epidemics and the law from smallpox to COVID-19 / 2
KF3800 .W58 2020eb American contagions : epidemics and the law from smallpox to COVID-19 / 3