Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF3803.A54 G67 1990i AIDS litigation project 1
KF3803.A54 G73 1995 Ethical and legal issues in AIDS research :
Ethical and legal issues in AIDS research /
KF3803.A54 H47 1991 Legal aspects of AIDS / 1
KF3803.A54 H58 2012 HIV & AIDS benchbook / 1
KF3803.A54 J37 1996 AIDS law / 1
KF3803.A54 J37 2000 AIDS law / 1
KF3803.A54 J37 2008 AIDS law / 1
KF3803.A54 L44 1987 Legal, medical and governmental perspectives on AIDS as a disability / 1
KF3803.A54 N34 1995i Ryan White Care Act access to services by minorities, women, and substance abusers : testimony before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations, Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, House of Representatives / 1
KF3803.A54 P8 1989 Protection against AIDS-related discrimination under state handicap laws : a fifty state analysis. 1
KF3803.A54 R36 1991 AIDS/HIV and confidentiality : model policy and procedures / 1
KF3803.A54 R44 1991 Representing clients with AIDS / 1
KF3803.A54 R65 2004 AIDS and the sexuality of law : ironic jurisprudence / 1
KF3803.A54 R83 1996 The rights of people who are HIV positive : the authoritative ACLU guide to the rights of people living with HIV disease and AIDS / 3
KF3803.A54 R83 1996eb The rights of people who are HIV positive : the authoritative ACLU guide to the rights of people living with HIV disease and AIDS / 1
KF3803.A54 S46 1996 HIV, AIDS, and the law : a guide to our rights and challenges / 3
KF3803.A54 S74 1998 The social welfare of women and children with HIV and AIDS : legal protections, policy, and programs / 1
KF3803.A54 T47 1992 AIDS and the law : a basic guide for the nonlawyer / 1
KF3803.A54 T66 1995 Responding to aids : the healthcare professional's guide to legal issues & responsibilities / 1
KF3803.A54 U54 1989i Handicap protection for AIDS victims in Washington, D.C. 1