Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF3807 .A3 1887i Quarantine laws of the United States (state and national) 1
KF3807 .A3 1910i Quarantine laws and regulations of the United States 1
KF3807 .A3 1920i Quarantine laws and regulations of the United States 1
KF3807 .A3 1921i Interstate quarantine regulations of the United States 1
KF3808 Vaccine law and policy /
Vaccine court : the law and politics of injury /
KF3808 .A27 2018 Vaccine, vaccination, and immunization law 1
KF3808 .A3 1927i Smallpox vaccination laws, regulations, and court decisions 1
KF3808.A3281990 A15 1990i Vaccine and Immunization Amendments of 1990 P.L. 101-502, 104 Stat 1285, November 3, 1990. 1
KF3808 .A927 2018 Vaccine, vaccination, and immunization law 1
KF3808 .G38 2022 The constitutional case for religious exemptions from federal vaccine mandates / 1
KF3808 .K47 1912i Vaccination an analysis of the laws and regulations relating thereto in force in the United States / 1
KF3808 .K57 2016 Vaccine court : the law and politics of injury / 1
KF3812 EPA's clean power plan : highlights and implications / 1
KF3812.A1 C3 1967i Legal aspects of air pollution a selective bibliography / 1
KF3812.A2 A32 Air pollution : difficulties in implementing a national air permit program : report to the Chairman, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1
KF3812 .A25 1974 A legislative history of the Clean air amendments of 1970, together with a section-by-section index / 1
KF3812 .A25 1977  
KF3812 .A52 1972 In the Supreme Court of the United States, October term, 1972, no. 72-804 : William D. Ruckelshaus, administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, petitioner, v. Sierra Club, et al., respondents : on writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit : brief of amici curiae, the Jicarilla Apache tribe of Indians, the Committee to Save Black Mesa, Inc., the Oljato Chapter of the Navajo Tribe, Paul Goodman, Mary Gillis, Jackson Gillis, Della Marie G. Black, and Begay Bitsinnie / 1
KF3812.A7 K75 Environmental law and policy; readings, materials and notes on air pollution and related problems 1
KF3812.A7 R64 A digest of State air pollution laws / 1