Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF3871.A75 I47 1956i The impact of the Food and Drug Administration on our society a fiftieth anniversary panorama / 1
KF3871.A8 A327 FDA premarket approval : process of approving Ansaid as a drug : GAO report to Congressional requesters / 1
KF3871 .F325i FDA administration & enforcement 1
KF3871 .F328 2015 FDA in the twenty-first century : the challenges of regulating drugs and new technologies / 1
KF3871 .F33 2014 FDA regulatory affairs / 1
KF3871 .F33i FDA enforcement manual (Thompson FDA)
FDA enforcement manual
KF3871 .F65i Food & Drug Administration index
Food & Drug Administration
KF3871 .F66i Food & Drug Administration guides & manuals 1
KF3871 .H39 1995 Hazardous to our health? : FDA regulation of health care products / 1
KF3871 .H55 2003 Protecting America's health : the FDA, business, and one hundred years of regulation / 1
KF3871 .U54 1988i FDA inspection operations manual 1
KF3871 .U637 1986 Food and Drug Administration, resources for Division of Scientific Investigations have been reduced : fact sheet for the Chairman, Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate / 1
KF3875 FDA warning letters about food products : how to avoid or respond to citations / 1
KF3875 .A3 1916i Digest of national and state food laws 1
KF3875 .A3 1973i Compilation of selected public health laws 1
KF3875.A3281996 A15 1997i Legislative history of Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 Public Law 104-170, 110 Stat. 1489 (1996) / 1
KF3875.A7 L48 2001 Habeas codfish : reflections on food and the law / 2
KF3875 .B53 1935i Foods and the law a manual for the business man on the laws of the United States with reference to foods and food products / 1
KF3875 .C647 2020 Food systems law : an introduction for non-lawyers / 1
KF3875 .F63 2021 Food law : a practical guide / 1