Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF4541 .H5 1854 The Constitution of the United States of America ... 1
KF4541 .H5 1854i The Constitution of the United States of America with an alphabetical analysis; the Declaration of Independence; the prominent political acts of George Washington; electoral votes for all the Presidents and Vice-Presidents; the high authorities and civil officers of government, from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1847; chronological narrative of the several states; and other interesting matter; with a descriptive account of the state papers, public documents, and other sources of political and statistical information at the seat of government / 1
KF4541 .H5 1878i Hickey's Constitution of the United States of America, with an alphabetical analysis proceedings of the Continental Congress; non importation agreement; address to the crown and people of Great Britain; the Declaration of Independence; the Articles of Confederation; Ordinance of 1787; history and proceedings of the convention of 1789 which adopted the present constitution; prominent official acts of Washington; general laws from the organization of the government; electoral votes for all the presidents and vice presidents; the high authorities and civil officers of the United States from the beginning of the government; chronological narrative of all the states; together with a diagram showing the relative position of each state in the union at every decade since the foundation of the government : to which is added a descriptive account of the state papers, public documents, and other sources of political and statistical information at the seat of government / 1
KF4541 .H53 1923i The constitutions of the Northwest states 1
KF4541 .H56 1959i The historic origin of the Constitution of the United States a compilation with marginal notes and illustrative charts. 1
KF4541 .H57 1941i History of the formation of the Union under the Constitution with liberty documents and report of the Commission / 1
KF4541 .H58 2007 Unruly Americans and the origins of the Constitution / 1
KF4541 .H59 1925i The usages of the American Constitution 1
KF4541 .H6 The road from Runnymede : Magna Carta and constitutionalism in America / 1
KF4541 .H65 1964 Securing the blessings of liberty : the constitutional system / 1
KF4541 .H66 1881i The constitutional and political history of the United States 1
KF4541 .H66 2007 Unruly Americans and the origins of the Constitution / 1
KF4541 .H68 1889i An introduction to the local constitutional history of the United States 1
KF4541 .H69 1968 The road from Runnymede; Magna Carta and constitutionalism in America 1
KF4541 .H69 1968i The road from Runnymede Magna Carta and constitutionalism in America / 1
KF4541 .H69 1982i How capitalistic is the Constitution? 1
KF4541 .H78 2010 Hybrid constitutions : challenging legacies of law, privilege, and culture in colonial America / 3
KF4541 .H78 2010i Hybrid constitutions challenging legacies of law, privilege, and culture in colonial America / 1
KF4541 .H89 1982 Equal justice under law : constitutional development, 1835-1875 / 3
KF4541 .J3 1869 A treatise on the principles of American constitutional law and legislation : the constitutional convention; its history, powers, and modes of proceeding / 1