Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF4600.A75 C66 1959i Report of the Conference of Chief Justices Pasadena, California, August 1958 : an historic statement on judicial self-restraint. 1
KF4600.A75 F434 1987 Federalism and the Constitution : a symposium on Garcia. 1
KF4600.A75 F434 1987i Federalism and the Constitution a symposium on Garcia. 1
KF4600.A75 F436 1992 Federalism and the judicial mind : essays on American constitutional law and politics / 1
KF4600.A75 F8 The Future of federalism ; the law center dedication lecture series /
The future of federalism : the law center dedication lecture series /
KF4600.A75 R6 1969 The Court and the Constitution. 2
KF4600.A75 R68 1948i The constitution and socio-economic change five lectures delivered at the University of Michigan, March 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28, 1947 / 1
KF4600 .B36 2012 The U.S. Supreme Court and new federalism : from the Rehnquist to the Roberts court / 1
KF4600 .B37 2013 The fallacies of states' rights / 1
KF4600 .B45 2011 Federalism / 1
KF4600 .B46 1987 Federalism : the Founders' design / 1
KF4600 .B5 States' rights : the law of the land / 1
KF4600 .B55 2013 Federalism : a reference guide to the United States Constitution / 1
KF4600 .B56 1958i States' rights the law of the land / 1
KF4600 .B73 2023 Constitutional powers and politics : how citizens think about authority and institutional change / 2
KF4600 .B88 1923i The nation and the states versus the nation without the states 1
KF4600 .C44 2008 Enhancing government : federalism for the 21st century / 1
KF4600 .C57i Circular 230 1
KF4600 .C6 1868i Treatise on constitutional limitations which rest upon the legislative power of the states of the American union 1
KF4600 .C6 1871i A treatise on the constitutional limitations which rest upon the legislative power of the states of the American union 1