Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF4744.52 .A15 1989i Legislative history and analysis of the Civil Rights Restoration Act 1
KF4744.52 .F75 2019 Welcoming ruin : the Civil Rights Act of 1875 / 1
KF4744.52 F754 2018 Welcoming Ruin : the Civil Rights Act Of 1875. 1
KF4744.55 .A15 1968i Civil Rights, Riots Fair Housing Act of 1968 P.L. 90-284, 82 Stat. 73, April 11, 1968. 1
KF4745 .S76 2020 Democracy and equality : the enduring constitutional vision of the Warren court / 2
KF4745.3 .A34 ADL in the courts : litigation docket / 1
KF4745.3 .U542 1975i Decision 1
KF4745.3 .U542 1976i Decision. 1
KF4745.3 .U542 1977i Decision 1
KF4745.3 .U542 1978i Decision 2
KF4745.3 .U542 1986i Decision 1
KF4745.3 .U542 1992i Decision 1
KF4745.3 .U546 2006i Civil Rights Commission to examine affirmative action in law schools Commission to examine proposed ABA diversity standards and explore whether racial preferences harm black students.
Five USCCR Commissioners urge the Attorney General to investigate alleged harassment of Hispanic voters
USCCR to examine voter fraud and voter intimidation at the polls Commission probes allegations of voter fraud and intimidation in federal and state elections.
KF4745.3 .U546 2007i Civil Rights Commission to examine covert wiretapping in the War on Terror Commission investigates issues and implications of phone-taps to protect homeland security.
U.S. Civil Rights Commission warns that affirmative action might harm minority law students
GPO Federal Depository Library offers first-ever digital collection of civil rights documents
KF4745.3 .U546 2008i Voter fraud and voter intimidation a briefing before the United States Commission on Civil Rights, held in Washington, DC, October 13, 2006. 1
KF4745.5 .G5 Human rights casefinder, 1953-1969 : the Warren Court era : citations to Federal, State, and unreported opinions on civil liberties, due process, civil rights, law of the poor / 1
KF4746.3 .A47 The Civil rights and civil liberties decisions of the United States Supreme Court. 2
KF4747.5 Encyclopedia of American civil liberties.
Encyclopedia of American civil liberties volumes A-Z /
Routledge revivals: encyclopedia of American civil liberties (2006).
KF4747.5 .C37 2000 Human rights in the United States : a dictionary and documents / 1
KF4747.5 C663 2017 Human Rights and the United States. 1