KF4758.A7 M33 2001
Sex equality / |
1 |
KF4758.A7 M33 2001a
Sex equality. Family law / |
1 |
KF4758.A7 M33 2001b
Sex equality. Rape law / |
1 |
KF4758.A7 M33 2003
Sex equality. Lesbian and gay rights / |
1 |
KF4758.A7 M33 2003a
Sex equality. Sexual harassment / |
1 |
KF4758.A7 M33 2007
Sex equality / |
1 |
KF4758.A7 S49 1975
Sex discrimination and the law : causes and remedies / |
1 |
KF4758.A7 S49 1996
Sex discrimination and the law : history, practice, and theory / |
1 |
KF4758.A7 S87 2001
Supreme Court decisions and women's rights : milestones to equality / |
1 |
KF4758.A75 N37 1989
Proceedings of the National Conference on Gender Bias in the Courts / |
1 |
KF4758 .B37 2021
Gender law and policy / |
1 |
KF4758 .B45 1986
Why ERA failed : politics, women's rights, and the amending process of the constitution / |
1 |
KF4758 .B5 1975
A commentary on the effect of the Equal rights amendment on state laws and institutions : prepared for the California Commission on the Status of Women's Equal Rights Amendment Project / |
1 |
KF4758 .B76 2021
Sexual justice : supporting victims, ensuring due process, and resisting the conservative backlash / |
1 |
KF4758 .B87 2005
Cult of power : sex discrimination in corporate America and what can be done about it / |
1 |
KF4758 .C365 2009
The crimes of womanhood : defining femininity in a court of law / |
1 |
KF4758 .C37 2009
The crimes of womanhood : defining femininity in a court of law / |
1 |
KF4758 .C37i
Case dismissed! taking your harassment prevention training to trial. |
1 |
KF4758 .C58 1970i
Statement on Bayh substitute and Ervin amendment to the Equal Rights Amendment |
1 |
KF4758 .C582 1974i
Interpretation of the Equal Rights Amendment in accordance with legislative history |
1 |