Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF4933 .L445 1977x Legislative reform and public policy / 1
KF4933 .L53 The librarian's guide to public records : the complete state, county, and courthouse locator / 1
KF4933 .L83 1922i Legislative procedure parliamentary practices and the course of business in the framing of statutes / 1
KF4933 .N38 1963 Mr. President ... Mr. Speaker ... Report. 1
KF4933 .P37 1994 Researching public records : how to get anything on anybody / 1
KF4933 .R44 1907r American legislatures by [i.e., and] legislative methods / 1
KF4933 .R67 1996 Drawing the line : legislative ethics in the states / 1
KF4933 .S67 1998 The sourcebook of state public records : the definitive guide to searching for public record information at the state level / 1
KF4933 .S68 The sourcebook to public record information. 1
KF4933 .S74 1879i Our methods of legislation and their defects 1
KF4933 .Z56 1996 Interstate relations : the neglected dimension of federalism / 1
KF4933.Z9 D38 1975 Legislative law and process in a nutshell / 1
KF4933.Z9 D38 1986 Legislative law and process in a nutshell / 1
KF4933.Z9 D38 2007 Legislative law and process in a nutshell / 1
KF4933.Z95 H45 Essays on the State legislative process / 1
KF4933.Z95 N38f [The National Conference of State Legislatures microfiche collection] 1
KF4934.A15 J63 Job patterns for minorities and women in state and local government / 1
KF4934.A15 S72 State legislative staff directory. 1
KF4934 .B35 1980i Extending equal employment opportunity law to Congress a report of the United States Commission on Civil Rights. 1
KF4934 .R44 1994 Above the law : covering Congress under federal employment laws / 1