Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF5575 .M89 2009eb Model interstate water compact / 1
KF5575 .P58 1927i Colorado River Conference of the seven Colorado River Basin states upon the development of the Colorado River held at Denver, Colorado, August 22 to September 2, 1927 / 1
KF5575 .P7 Protecting instream flows under western water laws : selected papers / 1
KF5575 .P7 1977 Protecting instream flows under Western water laws: selected papers / 1
KF5575 .S52 2006 Sharing water in times of scarcity : guidelines and procedures in the development of effective agreements to share water across political boundaries / 2
KF5575 .S53 2000 Dividing the waters : the resolution of interstate water conflicts in the United States / 1
KF5575 .S65 1988 Trading water : an economic and legal framework for water marketing / 1
KF5575 .S73 1943i State water law in the development of the West 1
KF5575 .T72 1989 Transferring water rights in the western states : a comparison of policies and procedures / 2
KF5575 .T74 1971 Federal-state relations in water law / 1
KF5575 .U55 1994 Water transfers : more efficient water use possible, if problems are addressed : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Water and Power, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, U.S. Senate / 1
KF5575 .U5549 1994 Water transfers : more efficient water use possible, if problems are addressed : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Water and Power, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, U.S. Senate / 1
KF5575 .W37 1990 Water rights of the fifty states and territories / 1
KF5575 .W64 1996 A landowner's guide to western water rights / 1
KF5575.Z9 F72 1990 Water and the cities of the Southwest / 1
KF5575.Z9 I56 1990 Water, the community, and markets in the West / 1
KF5575.Z9 W54 1990 Market strategies for the protection of Western instream flows and wetlands / 1
KF5575.Z95 A47 1997 The regulated riparian model water code : final report of the Water Laws Committee of the Water Resources Planning and Management Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers / 1
KF5575.Z95 C45 Southwestern groundwater law : a textual and bibliographic interpretation / 2
KF5575.Z95 G37 1975 Water law atlas a water law primer / 1