Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
KF5624 .G37 2011 | Lawyers, swamps, and money : U.S. wetland law, policy, and politics / | 1 |
KF5624 .G37 2011eb | Lawyers, swamps, and money : U.S. wetland law, policy, and politics / | 1 |
KF5624.H34 2002eb | Beyond Section 404 : Corps Permitting and the National Environmental Policy Act / | 1 |
KF5624 .H67 1978i | Our nation's wetlands an interagency task force report / | 1 |
KF5624 .K87 1983 | Our national wetland heritage : a protection guidebook / | 3 |
KF5624 .K87 1996 | Our national wetland heritage : a protection guide / | 1 |
KF5624 .L399i |
Law of wetlands regulation index Law of wetlands regulation |
2 |
KF5624 -- L54 2002eb | Summary of Recent Wetlands Jurisdiction Decisions-June 2002. | 1 |
KF5624 .M4 1990 | Wetlands protection and the states / | 1 |
KF5624.M45 2003eb | Selected Developments Related to Takings Issues, 2001-2002 / | 1 |
KF5624 .S183 1990 | Wetlands : mitigating and regulating development impacts / | 1 |
KF5624 .S54 1993 | Wetlands and coastal zone regulation and compliance / | 2 |
KF5624 .S72 1990 | Wetlands and real estate development handbook / | 1 |
KF5624 -- S83 2002eb | Stakeholder Forum on Federal Wetlands Mitigation. | 1 |
KF5624 .S86 2003 | Non-federal and non-regulatory approaches to wetland conservation : a post-SWANCC exploration of conservation alternatives / | 1 |
KF5624 .S87 2007 | The Supreme Court and the Clean Water Act : five essays : essays on the Supreme Court's Clean Water Act jurisprudence as reflected in Rapanos v. United States / | 1 |
KF5624 .T39 2013 | Federalism of wetlands / | 1 |
KF5624 .T39 2013eb | Federalism of wetlands / | 1 |
KF5624 .U564 2007i | The future of federal wetlands regulation after Rapanos | 1 |
KF5624 .W36 | Law of wetlands regulation / | 1 |