Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF5735.Z95 G87 2002 Analysis of state Qualified Allocation Plans for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program / 1
KF5740.A1 A56 1986i An annotated bibliography on selected fair housing issues 1
KF5740.A15 N38 National fair housing advocate. 1
KF5740 .A25 1983i Fair housing amendments act of 1983 message from the President of the United States transmitting proposed legislation to amend Title VIII of the act commonly referred to as the civil rights act of 1978 to provide the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and the Attorney General with additional authority to enforce rights to fair housing, and for other purposes. 1
KF5740.A3281968 .A15 1988i Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988 P.L. 100-430, 102 Stat. 1619, September 13, 1988. 1
KF5740.A3281968 G53 2016 Beginner's guide to the Fair Housing Act / 1
KF5740.A3281995 A15 1995i Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995 P.L. 104-76, (H.R. 660), 109 Stat. 787, (December 28, 1995) / 1
KF5740.A33 U6 1965 Fair housing laws; summaries and text of State and municipal laws. 1
KF5740 .A4 1961 State statutes and local ordinances and resolutions prohibiting discrimination in housing and urban renewal operations / 1
KF5740.A52 P73 Equal opportunity in housing cases. 1
KF5740.A6 F35 Fair housing--fair lending / 1
KF5740.A6 F353 Fair housing--fair lending cases. 1
KF5740.A68 D57 Directory of state and local fair housing agencies. 1
KF5740.A7 P4 1970 New approaches in the law of property / 1
KF5740.A7 S38 1983  
KF5740.A75 E5 The politics of fair-housing legislation : state and local case studies / 1
KF5740.A75 F35 1989 The Fair housing act after twenty years : a conference at Yale Law School / 1
KF5740.A75 O64 1963i Open occupancy vs. forced housing under the Fourteenth Amendment a symposium on anti-discrimination legislation, freedom of choice, and property rights in housing / 1
KF5740 .A811 1994 The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988--the enforcement report : a report of the United States Commission on Civil Rights. 1
KF5740 .A813 Twenty years after Brown : equal opportunity in housing / 2