Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF593.G7 H35 1988 Ground leases and land acquisition contracts / 1
KF593.G7 O30 1986 Office building lease manual / 1
KF593.G7 S74 2005 A guide to ground leases : (with forms and checklists) / 1
KF593.G7 S74 2005i Guide to ground leases (with forms and checklists) 1
KF597 .A36 1955i Defeasible fees 1
KF598.Z9 C63 1982 Fall lineup of half-day seminars : real estate time sharing, Wednesday, October 20, 9:00 a.m.-noon / 1
KF604 .B7 Family property settlements ; future interests / 1
KF604 .B7 1973 Family property settlements; future interests 1
KF604 .G8 Cases and materials on the law of future interests. 1
KF604 .G85 1959i Cases and materials on the law of future interests 1
KF604 .K35 Future interests and illegal conditions and restraints / 1
KF604 .K35 1918i Future interests and illegal conditions and restraints 2
KF604 .K35 1936 Cases on the law of property : future interests and illegal conditions and restraints / 1
KF604 .L39 1935 Cases and materials on the law of future interests / 1
KF604 .L39 1940 Cases and materials on the law of future interests. 1
KF604 .L392 Cases and text on future interests and estate planning / 1
KF604 .L6 A collection of leading cases on the public land laws of the United States : with notes and references / 1
KF604 .M38 1929i Materials for course in future interests and non-commercial trusts 1
KF604 .M43 Cases and materials on future interests. 1
KF604 .P58 1928 Cases on future interest, 1