KF6236 .A823 95-153
Combat identification systems changes needed in management plans and structure : report to congressional committees / |
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KF6236 .A823 95-154
Best practices methodology a new approach for improving government operations / |
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KF6236 .A823 95-155BR
NASA budgets gap between funding requirements and projected budgets has been reopened : briefing report to the ranking minority member, Subcommittee on Science, Technology and Space, Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, U.S. Senate / |
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KF6236 .A823 95-156
Foreign assistance assessment of selected USAID projects in Russia : report to congressional requesters / |
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KF6236 .A823 95-159
Longbow Apache helicopter system procurement issues need to be resolved : report to Congressional committees / |
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KF6236 .A823 95-160
Naval surface fire support Navy's near-term plan is not based on sufficient analysis : report to the Chairman, Committee on National Security, House of Representatives / |
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KF6236 .A823 95-161
Unmanned aerial vehicles maneuver system schedule includes unnecessary risk : report to the Secretary of Defense / |
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KF6236 .A823 95-163
Space Station estimated total U.S. funding requirements : report to Congressional requesters / |
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KF6236 .A823 95-164
B-2 bomber status of cost, development, and production : report to Congressional committees / |
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KF6236 .A823 95-165
Weapons of mass destruction reducing the threat from the former Soviet Union, an update : report to Congressional requesters / |
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KF6236 .A823 95-166
Defense contracting contractor claims for legal costs associated with stockholder lawsuits : report to the Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Commerce, House of Representatives / |
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KF6236 .A823 95-168 BR
Government aircraft observations on travel by senior officials : briefing report to Congressional requesters / |
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KF6236 .A823 95-171
Space shuttle declining budget and tight schedule could jeopardize space station support : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management and the District of Columbia, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate / |
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KF6236 .A823 95-172R
Production of joint STARS LGSM |
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KF6236 .A823 95-173 R
Cost to bring in new NATO members |
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KF6236 .A823 95-174
Federally funded R&D centers use of contract fee by the Aerospace Corporation : report to congressional requesters / |
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KF6236 .A823 95-175
NASA's Earth Observing System estimated funding requirements : report to the Chairman, Committee on Science, House of Representatives / |
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KF6236 .A823 95-176
Inventory management purchasing parts from contractor-operated parts stores and commercial sources : report to congressional committees / |
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KF6236 .A823 95-177 BR
World Bank and IMF pay and benefits compared with those of other organizations : briefing report to Congressional committees / |
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KF6236 .A823 95-180
Aircraft requirements Air Force and Navy need to establish realistic criteria for backup aircraft : report to congressional requesters / |
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