Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF6236 .A825 99-57 Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care Financing Administration medicare program, prospective payment system and consolidated billing for skilled nursing facilities--update / 1
KF6236 .A825 99-58 Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care Financing Administration medicare program, changes to the hospital inpatient prospective payment systems and fiscal year 2000 rates / 1
KF6236 .A825 99-61R Foreign assistance issues concerning the Polish-American Enterprise Fund / 1
KF6236 .A825 99-62 Social Security Administration revised medical criteria for determination of disability, endocrine system and related criteria / 1
KF6236 .A825 99-66 Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Food Stamp Program food stamp provisions of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 / 1
KF6236 .A8255 GAO documents.
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KF6236 .A8255 93-3 Statutory provisions relating to GAO, fiscal years 1975-1990 report to Office of Information Management and Communications / 1
KF6236 .A8255 93-4 Mission support project user perceptions on computer environments / 1
KF6236 .A8255 94-2 Administrative services guide 1
KF6236 .A8255 94-8 Mission support project computer and network operations survey results / 1
KF6236 .A8255 94-12 IRM strategic plan 1
KF6236 .A8255 95-2 Administrative services guide 1
KF6236 .A8255 95-6 Mail services and procedures 1
KF6236 .A8255 95-7 Mission support project report on the network and data collection and analysis application pilot test / 1
KF6236 .A8255 95-8 Framework for implementation job process reengineering / 1
KF6236 .A8255 98-3 IRM strategic plan [fiscal years 1998-2002] / 1
KF6236 .A8255 99-1 GAO thesaurus 1
KF6236 .A8256 GAO documents. 1
KF6236 .A8256 4.1.6 An Audit quality control system essential elements. 1
KF6236 .A8256 4.1.7 Performing GAO's work where to find guidance and help. 1