Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF6236 .A827 96-195R Time and cost limits on Superfund removals 1
KF6236 .A827 96-196R D.C. Emergency Highway Relief Act 1
KF6236 .A827 96-198R Forest Service, financial data limitations 1
KF6236 .A827 96-199 Federal Employers' Liability Act issues associated with changing how railroad work-related injuries are compensated : report to the Chairwoman, Subcommittee on Railroads, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives / 1
KF6236 .A827 96-200 Urban transportation metropolitan planning organizations' efforts to meet federal planning requirements : report to congressional requesters / 1
KF6236 .A827 96-202 National Park Service activities within park borders have caused damage to resources : report to the ranking minority member, Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Lands, House Committee on Resources / 1
KF6236 .A827 96-204 Telecommunications, competitive impact of restructuring the international satellite organizations 1
KF6236 .A827 96-208R DOE's three restricted reserves of unobligated funds 1
KF6236 .A827 96-211 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act inspections of facilities treating and using hazardous waste fuels show some noncompliance / 1
KF6236 .A827 96-213R Hanford waste privatization 1
KF6236 .A827 96-215 Energy conservation energy savings performance contracting in federal civilian agencies : report to congressional committees / 1
KF6236 .A827 96-216 Nuclear weapons improvements needed to DOE's nuclear weapons stockpile surveillance program : report to the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate / 1
KF6236 .A827 96-217 School lunch program role and impacts of private food service companies : report to congressional committees / 1
KF6236 .A827 96-219R AIP funding for the nation's largest airports 1
KF6236 .A827 96-220 Federally donated meat and poultry information on extent and impact of states' restrictions on processors : report to congressional committees / 1
KF6236 .A827 96-222 Small business a comparison of SBA's 7(a) loans and borrowers with other loans and borrowers : report to the Committee on Small Business, U.S. Senate / 1
KF6236 .A827 96-229r Team Nutrition personnel and Under Secretary's travel 1
KF6236 .A827 96-233 Surface transportation research funding, federal role, and emerging issues : report to congressional committees / 1
KF6236 .A827 96-236 Peer review EPA's implementation remains uneven : report to congressional requesters / 1
KF6236 .A827 96-238r Housing counseling demonstration program [microform] 1