Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF6236 .A8285 95-206 Medicaid state flexibility in implementing managed care programs requires appropriate oversight : statement of William J. Scanlon, Associate Director, Health Financing Issues, Health, Education, and Human Services Division, before the Senate Committee on Finance / 1
KF6236 .A8285 95-207 Medicare managed care enrollment growth underscores need to revamp HMO payment methods : statement of Jonathan Ratner, Associate Director, Health Financing and Policy Issues, Health, Education, and Human Services Division, before the Subcommittee on Health and Environment, Committee on Commerce, House of Representatives / 1
KF6236 .A8285 95-212 Ryan White Care Act access to services by minorities, women, and substance abusers : statement of Mark V. Nadel, Associate Director, National and Public Health Issues, Health, Education and Human Services Division, before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations, Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, House of Representatives / 1
KF6236 .A8285 95-213 VA health care issues affecting eligibility reform : statement of David P. Baine, Director, Federal Health Care Delivery Issues, Health, Education, and Human Services Division, before the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, House of Representatives / 1
KF6236 .A8285 95-221 Practice guidelines overview of Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Efforts : statement of Sarah F. Jaggar, Director, Health Financing and Public Health Issues, Health Education, and Human Services Division, before the Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives / 1
KF6236 .A8285 95-223 Employer-based health plans issues, trends, and challenges posed by ERISA. 1
KF6236 .A8285 95-224 Medicare enhancing health care quality assurance : statement of Carlotta C. Joyner, Associate Director, Federal Health Care Delivery Issues, Health, Education, and Human Services Division, before the Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Ways and Means, and Subcommittee on Health and Environment, Committee on Commerce, House of Representatives / 1
KF6236 .A8285 95-226 Medicaid matching formula's performance and potential modifications : statement of Sarah F. Jaggar, Director, Health Financing and Policy Issues, Health Education, and Human Services Division, before the Committee on Finance, United States Senate / 1
KF6236 .A8285 95-227 Medicare modern management strategies could curb fraud, waste, and abuse : statement of Sarah F. Jaggar, Director, Health Financing and Public Health Issues, Health, Education, and Human Services Division, before the Committee on Finance, United States Senate / 1
KF6236 .A8285 95-233 Social security disability management action and program redesign needed to address long-standing problems : statement of Jane L. Ross, Director, Income Security Issues, Health, Education, and Human Services Division, before the Subcommittee on Social Security, Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives / 1
KF6236 .A8285 96-5 Medicare, excessive payments for medical supplies continue despite improvements statement of Jonathan Ratner, Associate Director, Health Financing Issues, Health, Education, and Human Services Division, before the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate / 1
KF6236 .A8285 96-7 Fraud and abuse medicare continues to be vulnerable to exploitation by unscrupulous providers : statement of Sarah F. Jaggar, Director, Health Financing and Public Health Issues, Health, Education, and Human Services Division, before the Special Committee on Aging, U.S. Senate / 1
KF6236 .A8285 96-14 National service programs AmeriCorps*USA-early program resource and benefit information : statement of Linda G. Morra, Director, Education and Employment Issues, Health, Education, and Human Services Division, before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Economic and Educational Opportunities, House of Representatives / 1
KF6236 .A8285 96-41 VA health care efforts to increase sharing with DOD and the private sector : statement of David P. Baine, Director, Health Care Delivery and Quality Issues, Health, Education, and Human Service Division, before the Subcommittee on Hospitals and Health Care, Committee on Veterans' Affairs, House of Representatives / 1
KF6236 .A8285 96-42 OSHA potential to reform regulatory enforcement efforts : statement of Cornelia M. Blanchette, Associate Director, Education and Employment Issues, Health, Education, and Human Services Division, before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations, Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, House of Representatives / 1
KF6236 .A8285 96-57 Senior community service employment program delivery could be improved through legislative and administrative actions : statement of Cornelia M. Blanchette, Associate Director, Education and Employment Issues, Health, Education, and Human Services Division, before the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Youth and Families, Committee on Economic and Educational Opportunities, House of Representatives / 1
KF6236 .A8285 96-75 Medicaid spending pressures spur states toward program restructuring : statement of William J. Scanlon, Director, Health Systems Issues, Health, Education, and Human Services Division, before the Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee, Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, House of Representatives / 1
KF6236 .A8285 96-85 Pharmacy benefit managers early results on ventures with drug manufacturers : statement of John C. Hansen, Assistant Director, Health Financing and Public Health Issues, Health, Education, and Human Services Division, before the Committee on Insurance, California State Senate / 1
KF6236 .A8285 96-86 Medicare, millions can be saved by screening claims for overused services statement of Sarah F. Jaggar, Director, Health Financing and Public Health Issues, Health, Education, and Human Services Division, before the Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee, Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, House of Representatives / 1
KF6236 .A8285 96-88 Supplemental security income noncitizens have been a major source of caseload growth : statement of Jane L. Ross, Director, Income Security Issues, Health, Education, and Human Services Division, before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate / 1