Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 307 (INTERNET) Federal securities laws executive compensation disclosure rules / 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 309 (INTERNET) Insider trading under the federal securities laws and other insider trading restrictions 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 315 (INTERNET) U.S. federal securities law aspects of merger and acquisition transactions 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 320-3rd (INTERNET) International pension planning 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 322 (INTERNET) Global share plans issues for multinational employers / 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 324-2nd (INTERNET) International pension planning--Puerto Rico 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 330 (INTERNET) Tax and ERISA implications of employer-provided medical and disability benefits 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 332 (INTERNET) Employer shared responsibility 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 336 (INTERNET) FMLA, USERRA and the HEART Act effects on employee benefits / 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 338 (INTERNET) COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 / 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 340-2nd (INTERNET) Pension accounting 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 341-3rd (INTERNET) Accounting for share-based compensation 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 350 (INTERNET) Plan selection pension and profit-sharing plans / 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 351-6th (INTERNET) Plan qualification--pension and profit-sharing plans 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 352-5th (INTERNET) Specialized qualified plans cash balance, target, age-weighted and hybrids / 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 353-4th (INTERNET) Employee benefit plans and issues for small employers 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 354-9th (INTERNET) ESOPs 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 356-4th (INTERNET) Nondiscrimination testing and permitted disparity in qualified retirement plans 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 357-5th (INTERNET) Pension plan terminations single employer plans / 1
KF6289.A1 T35 no. 358-4th (INTERNET) Cash or deferred arrangements 1