KF6392 .U54 1988
Tax policy : deducting interest on funds borrowed to purchase or carry tax-exempt bonds : report to the Joint Committee on Taxation / |
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Write it off! deduct it! : the A-to-Z guide to tax deductions for home-based businesses / |
1 |
KF6395.E3 A47
Tuition tax credits and alternatives. |
1 |
KF6395.R3 W70
Repairs vs. capital expenditures |
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KF6395.R35 A25 1966
Data on self-employed retirement deduction for taxable year, 1964. : Report submitted to the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives. |
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KF6395.R35 G65 2013
IRA guide to IRS compliance issues : including IRA trust violations / |
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KF6395.R35 R52 1993
RIA's guide to IRAs, SEPs and Keoghs. |
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KF6395.T7 U54
KF6396 .C37i
Carnevale, Harrington & Sutton federal income taxation of passive activities (WG&L). |
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KF6396 .J43 1989
Passive activity loss rules : analysis, compliance, planning / |
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KF6396 .K56
Taxation of passive activities / |
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KF6396 .S23 1990
Passive activity rules : law and tax planning strategies / |
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KF6397 .A25 1982
Description of S. 2298, Enterprise Zone Tax Act of 1982 : scheduled for hearings before the Subcommittee on Savings, Pensions, and Investment Policy of the Senate Committee on Finance on April 15 and 16, 1982 / |
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KF6397 .A25 1983a
Description of energy tax bills (S. 1193, S. 1237, S. 1303, and S. 1305) : scheduled for a hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy and Agricultural Taxation of the Senate Committee on Finance, on July 18, 1983 / |
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KF6397 .A3 2005
Energy Tax Incentives Act of 2005 : as signed by the President on August 8, 2005 ; Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act of 2005 : as signed by the President on August 10, 2005 : law, explanation and analysis / |
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KF6397 .A3 2005a
RIA's complete analysis of the tax provisions of the Energy and Transportation Acts of 2005 : with code sections as amended and committee reports. |
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KF6397 .A3 2005b
Energy Tax Incentives Act of 2005 : Title XIII, H.R. 6 ; Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act : a legacy for users : Title XI, H.R. 3 : Bill text, Joint Committee on Taxation description and technical explanation, and Conference report. |
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KF6397.A32005 A163 2005
KF6397 .A952i
Andersen: Foreign tax credits (WG&L) |
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KF6397 .H57 2023
The historic tax credit : a practitioner's guide to the technical tax issues / |
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