KF6668.P6 U55 1946i
Philippine Trade Act of 1946 Public Law 371, 79th Congress, Ch. 244, 2d Session. |
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KF6668.P6 U55 1955i
Philippine Trade Agreement Revision Act of 1955 Public Law 196, 84th Congress, Ch. 438, 1st Session. |
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KF6668.R8 T7 1973i
U.S.-Soviet commercial agreements, 1972 texts, summaries, and supporting papers. |
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KF6668.S55 U54 2004
Implementation of U.S. bilateral free trade agreement with Singapore and Chile : hearing before the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, June 17, 2003. |
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KF6669.M6 C3
Data relating to H.R. 9042: Automotive products trade act of 1965 : including text of United States-Canadian agreement together with letters of undertaking from General Motors of Canada, ltd., Ford Motor of Canada, ltd., Chrysler Canada, ltd., and American Motors (Canada), ltd. |
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KF6677 .C67i
Corporate counsel's guide to importing under the U.S. customs laws |
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KF6681 1814i
A selection of all the laws of the United States, now in force, relative to commercial subjects with marginal notes and references to the same, classed under separate heads : comprising the following, the acts for the collection of duties on imports and tonnage, including the rates of duties payable on goods, wares and merchandize, table of tonnage duty on the entrance of vessels, and of the fees of office, registering, recording, enrolling and licensing of ships or vessels, Mediterranean passports, quarantine and health, remission of fines, penalties and forfeitures, fisheries, naturalization, restriction of trade with the enemy, letters of marque and reprisal, salvage, slave trade, consuls and vice consuls, seamen in the merchants' service, sea letters, British licenses, and for regulating foreign coins : to which is added, a list of all the laws on the above subjects and of the restrictive system, which have been repealed or become obsolete : also, various treasury instructions to the collectors of the customs, particularly those relating to the rates of duties : also, directions for making out manifests to be produced in the custom-house, on clearing out vessels for foreign ports : together with an index to the whole / |
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KF6681 1899i
Laws of the United States relating to customs together with portions of certain commercial treaties, compiled and indexed / |
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KF6681 1904i
A manual of the United States customs laws consisting of the United States Revised statutes, the Customs Administrative Act and special chapters on protest and appeal, re-appraisement proceedings before the Board of General Appraisers, reciprocity and articles on various paragraghs of the free list, together with the latest department regulations, all with complete notes brought up-to-date; also a digest of federal court decisions, the whole subject treated in a unique and practical manner, designed to aid the lawyer and merchant / |
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KF6681.61953 .A15 1953i
Customs Simplification Act of 1953 P.L. 243 -- 83d Cong., Ch. 397 -- 1st Sess. |
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KF6681.61956 .A15 1956i
Customs Simplifications Act of 1956 P.L. 84-927, 70 Stat 943, August 2, 1956. |
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KF6681.61965 .A15 1965i
Reorganization plan no. 1 of 1965 Bureau of Customs, effective May 25, 1965. |
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KF6681.61970 .A15 1970i
Customs Courts Act of 1970 P.L. 91-271, 84 Stat. 274, June 2, 1970. |
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KF6681.61978 .A15 1978i
Customs Procedural Reform and Simplification Act of 1978 |
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KF6682 1857i
General regulations under the revenue and collection laws of the United States |
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KF6687.A2 1876
KF6687.A2 T7
Customs bulletin : Treasury decisions under customs and other laws. |
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KF6687.A2 T72
Customs bulletin and decisions : regulations, rulings, decisions, and notices concerning customs and related matters of the United States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals and the United States Customs Court. |
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KF6687.A2 T74
Decisions/rulings for public release-unclassified |
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KF6687.A2 T742f
Keyword worksheet |
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