Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF7263.A3281948 A2 1953i Selective service under the 1948 Act extended July 9, 1950-June 19, 1951. 1
KF7263.A3281951 A15 1951i Universal Military Training and Service Act P.L. 51 -- 82d Congress., Ch. 144 -- 1st Sess. 1
KF7263.A3281955 A15 1955i Universal Military Training and Service Act amendments, 1955 Public Law 84-118, 69 Stat. 223, Ch. 250 - 1st Sess. 1
KF7263.A3281967 A15 1967i Universal Military Training and Service Act amendment of 1967 P.L. 90-40, 81 Stat. 100, June 30, 1967. 1
KF7263.A3281969 A15 1971i Military Selective Service Act amendments, 1971 P.L. 92-129, 85 Stat. 348, September 28, 1971. 1
KF7263.A52 U55 1917i Selective draft law cases, nos. 656, 663, 664, 665, 666, 680, 681, 702, 738 in the Supreme Court of the United States, October term, 1917 : in error to the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Ohio. 1
KF7263.A75 S4 Selective service: the attorney's view / 1
KF7263 .A86 1969 Legal aspects of selective service. 1
KF7263 .A934 1946i Age in the selective service process 1
KF7263 .B33 1947i Backgrounds of selective service 1
KF7263 .C53 1950i The classification process 1
KF7263 .D84 1946i The legislative and statutory development of the federal concept of conscription for military service 1
KF7263 .E93 1956i Evaluation of the Selective Service Program 1
KF7263 .J3 The Selective service act : a case study of the governmental process / 1
KF7263 .K57 1950i Enforcement of the selective service law 1
KF7263 .L44 1963i Legal aspects of selective service 1
KF7263 .M36 1940i A manual of law for use by advisory boards for registrants appointed pursuant to the Selective Training and Services Act of 1940 (approved September 16) / 1
KF7263 .M36 1942i A manual of law for use by advisory boards for registrants appointed pursuant to the Selective Training and Services Act of 1940, as amended / 1
KF7263 .O44 1969i Legal aspects of selective service 1
KF7263 .O64 1955i The operation of selective service 1