Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3192 Corporate charter of the Sitka Community Association, Territory of Alaska ratified October 11, 1938. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3195 Constitution and by-laws of the Skokomish Indian Tribe of the Skokomish Reservation, Washington approved May 3, 1938. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3196 Corporate charter of the Skokomish Indian Tribe of the Skokomish Indian Reservation, Washington ratified July 22, 1939. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3205 Indian justice a Cherokee murder trial at Tahlequah in 1840 / 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3209 American Indian civil rights handbook a guide to rights and liberties under Federal law, of Native Americans living on and off reservations / 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3213 The Indians of the Yukon and Tanana valleys, Alaska 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3218 Constitution and by-laws of the Sokaogon Chippewa Community, Wisconsin approved November 9, 1938. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3219 Corporate charter of the Sokaogon Chippewa Community, Wisconsin ratified October 7, 1939. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3220 D. d. Joannis de Solorzano Pereira ... De Indiarum jure Sive De justa Indiarum occidentalium inquisitione, acquisitione, & retentione. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3223 The Ramah Navahos Tłʼohchiníjí diné kéédahatʼiinii baa haneʼ / 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3227 Documents relating to Indian affairs, May 21, 1750-August 7, 1754 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3232 Jurisdiction over Indian country in South Dakota staff report. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3233 Jurisdiction over Indian country in South Dakota staff report. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3237 Constitution and by-laws of the Southern Ute Tribe of the Southern Ute Reservation, Colorado approved November 4, 1936. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3238 Corporate charter of the Southern Ute Tribe, Colorado ratified November 1, 1938. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3239 Modern American courts in general, the tribal courts in particular program and proceedings, Southwest Indian Tribal Courts Conference : held on the campus of the University of Arizona, Tucson, June 22, 23, 24, 1960 / 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3253 Introductory guide to Indian-related records, to 1876, in the North Carolina State Archives 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3254 Constitution and bylaws of the Spokane Tribe of the Spokane Reservation, Washington approved June 27, 1951. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3262 Early history of the Cherokees embracing aboriginal customs, religion, laws, folk lore, and civilization / 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 3267 Constitution and by-laws of the Stebbins Community Association, Alaska ratified December 5, 1939. 1